2009年8月16日 星期日

Source Naturals第十六頁 --

Source Naturals

Source Naturals成立於1982年。主要產品為維他命,草藥、氨基酸、礦物質等成分的健康成品。Source Naturals的營養補充劑產品是今天健康革命的先驅者,免疫力提昇方面的產品尤為出色;更是市場上同類產品的佼佼者。

量販批發部Source Naturals產品超低價特惠--歡迎參觀選購





SNS-00488 肌醇晶狀粉 Pure Inositol Crystals 8 盎司 (226.8 公克)


Inositol is an essential component of the phospholipids that make up cellular membranes, and so is found in virtually every cell in the body. Recent research indicates that inositol helps establish healthy cell membranes which facilitate nerve impulses. *

Supplement Facts for Crystals
Serving Size: 1/4 Teaspoon (approx. 0.6 g)
Amount %DV
Inositol Crystals 600 mg †

Suggested Use: 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon daily between meals or at bedtime, or as recommended by your health care professional.


SNS-00495 肌醇粉 Pure Inositol Powder 8 盎司 (226.8 公克)


Inositol is an essential component of the phospholipids that make up cellular membranes, and so is found in virtually every cell in the body. Recent research indicates that inositol helps establish healthy cell membranes which facilitate nerve impulses.

Supplement Facts for Powder
Serving Size: 1/4 Teaspoon (approx. 845 mg)
Amount %DV
Inositol 845 mg †

Suggested Use: 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon daily, between meals or at bedtime, or as recommended by your health care professional.



SNS-00492 肌醇膽鹼錠 Inositol & Choline 800 毫克 100 錠


肌醇對毛髮生長很重要。它有助於預防動脈硬化,和膽鹼一起結合,合成卵磷脂(lecithin),故可降低血液中的膽固醇含量。卵磷質還涉及脂溶性維生素A、D、E、K之消化及吸收 ; 當卵磷質缺乏,很有可能造成該類維生素的缺乏。 肌醇且對脂肪、膽固醇代謝都很重要。 它也幫忙清除肝臟的脂肪,屬水溶性,維他命B群中的一種,和膽鹼一樣,是親脂肪性的維他命。另外卵磷質亦是保護神經細胞的髓鞘之主成分,用來保護神經傳導細胞的 ; 所以肌醇和膽鹼一樣,在供給腦細胞營養上,扮演重要的角色。
       體內脂肪乳化代謝時最重要的三個必要成分:膽鹼(Choline)、 肌醇(Inositol)及甲硫胺酸(Methionine),體內脂肪最主要的代謝器官就是肝臟,肝臟會把由消化道吸收運來的脂肪和身體周邊血管運送來的脂質一併乳化,再與膽酸結合將多餘的脂肪經由糞便排出體外,高血脂症、脂肪肝及肥胖的人都會提高肝臟脂肪代謝的負擔,當由全身運來需要消化代謝的脂肪過多,肝臟無法負荷這些龐大工作量時,脂肪就會慢慢堆積在肝臟形成脂肪肝,解脂劑可以有效的協助肝臟代謝脂肪,增加脂肪的排出率,對於脂肝症、高血脂症及體內脂肪堆積量過多所造成的肥胖症患者有明顯的助益。
       環境毒素(通常是食入的)常會堆積在脂肪組織�,主要存在於腦和肝臟中,如殺蟲劑和重金屬,如鉛。維他命C、E、β胡蘿蔔素、B群和某些微量元素可保護不受毒物的氧化攻擊。 肝臟中Choline 和Inositol幫助掃除,移除脂肪組織和膽汁。

Inositol and choline are B-vitamin-like compounds which have similar functions. Both are important components of phospholipids, which make up cellular and other biological membranes, and both play a role in healthy nerve function. Choline is an essential ingredient for the production of acetylcholine, a principal neurotransmitter, while phosphorus-containing compounds of inositol in nerve cells help regulate nerve impulses. *

Supplement Facts for Tablet
Serving Size: 1 tablet(s)
Amount %DV
Inositol 400 mg †
Choline (as bitartrate) 400 mg †
Other Ingredients: stearic acid, modified cellulose gum, colloidal silicon dioxide and magnesium stearate.

Suggested Use: 1 tablet daily, or as recommended by your health care professional.


SNS-01864 (富含植物性Omega-3脂肪酸)紫蘇油 Perilla Oil Rich Source of Plant-Based Omega-3 Fatty Acids 1000 毫克 90 顆軟膠囊



•豐富的植物性Ω3 多元不飽和脂肪酸Omega-3 Fatty Acids 來源
Perilla oil, extracted from the plant Perilla fructescens, is a rich source of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). ALA is a precursor to the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. ALA is similar to fish oil in its benefits, but without any unpleasant aftertaste. ALA may support the health of many organs and body systems, including the cardiovascular system, immune system, skin, brain, and joints. Population and animal studies suggest an association between high dietary intake of ALA and breast and colon health. *

Supplement Facts for Softgels
Serving Size: 3 softgel(s)
Amount %DV
Calories 30
Calories from Fat 25
Total Fat 3 g 4
Trans Fat g
Perilla Oil 3 g †
alpha-Linolenic Acid (omega-3) 1.65 g †
Linoleic Acid (omega-6) 450 mg †
Oleic Acid (omega-9) 390 mg †
Other Ingredients:
gelatin, glycerin, and purified water.

Suggested Use: 3 softgels twice daily with food, or as recommended by your health care professional.

注意事項:本品非醫用品,無具醫療功效;乃日常生活保健食品。懷孕/授乳期間婦女,請諮詢醫師後再服用。正在使用抗凝劑(anticoagulant)或抗血小板聚集的(antiplatelet-aggregating)處方藥,請先諮詢醫生後再使用本產品。Not for topical use。請蓋緊,保持儲放處乾、冷和黑暗

SNS-01840 (降低膽固醇)印度香膠樹 Guggulsterones ( Supports Cholesterol Wellness ) 375 毫克 120 錠


Guggulsterones help maintain cholesterol levels already in the normal range, by acting at the farnesoid X receptor (FXR) to promote the conversion of cholesterol into bile. They also boost thyroid activity, which supports cholesterol regulation by the liver.

Supplement Facts for Tablet
Serving Size: 1 tablet(s)
Amount %DV
Guggul Extract (10%) 375 mg †
Yielding 37.5 mg Guggulsterones
Other Ingredients: microcrystalline cellulose, stearic acid, colloidal silicon dioxide, and modified cellulose gum.

Warning: If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, using thyroid drugs or other prescription medications, consult your health care professional before using this product.

Suggested Use: 1 tablet twice daily between meals, or as recommended by your health care professional.


SNS-01844 (膽固醇控制配方)Sytrinol複方膠囊 Sytrinol™ 150 毫克 60 顆軟膠囊


Sytrinol™ 為柑橘類水果與棕櫚果萃取物。Sytrinol™中含有的柑橘類黃酮和三烯甘油酯(palm tocotrienols)有很好的抗氧化作用。 Sytrinol™可同時降低總膽固醇、低密度脂蛋白膽固醇(LDL-C)及三酸甘油脂(TG)。Sytrinol™成分主要為polymethoxylated flavones(PMFs) 及tocotrienols(維生素E類)。研究證明polymethoxylated flavones可以降低載脂蛋白(apolipoprotein B)--低密度脂蛋白膽固醇合成所需蛋白,同時抑制肝髒中合成甘油三酸酯的酶的產生,從而控制高能量脂肪酸的生成。

Sytrinol 天然降膽固醇配方的功能:
有增加有益的高密度脂蛋白(HDL)之功用 。
Source Naturals introduces the science of patented Sytrinol™, part of the Cholesterol Rescue™ family of products. Sytrinol helps to maintain cholesterol levels that are already within the normal range. Contrary to popular belief, the amount of cholesterol produced by the liver is much more significant to total cholesterol levels than cholesterol consumed from dietary sources. Preliminary clinical research shows that SYTRINOL may assist in maintaining a balanced production of cholesterol by the liver. Support your cholesterol wellness with Source Naturals SYTRINOL today.

Supplement Facts for Softgels
Serving Size: 1 softgel(s)
Amount %DV
Sytrinol™ (proprietary blend of citrus polymethoxylated flavones and palm tocotrienols) 150 mg †
Other Ingredients: extra virgin olive oil, gelatin, glycerin, purified water, natural orange flavor, lecithin, yellow beeswax, , titanium dioxide, chlorophylline, and riboflavin based colorant.

Suggested Use: 1 softgel twice daily, or as recommended by your health care professional.


SNS-01749 (膽固醇控制配方)Sytrinol複方錠 Sytrinol 150 毫克 60 錠


Sytrinol™ 為柑橘類水果與棕櫚果萃取物。Sytrinol™中含有的柑橘類黃酮和三烯甘油酯(palm tocotrienols)有很好的抗氧化作用。 Sytrinol™可同時降低總膽固醇、低密度脂蛋白膽固醇(LDL-C)及三酸甘油脂(TG)。Sytrinol™成分主要為polymethoxylated flavones(PMFs) 及tocotrienols(維生素E類)。研究證明polymethoxylated flavones可以降低載脂蛋白(apolipoprotein B)--低密度脂蛋白膽固醇合成所需蛋白,同時抑制肝髒中合成甘油三酸酯的酶的產生,從而控制高能量脂肪酸的生成。

Sytrinol 天然降膽固醇配方的功能:
有增加有益的高密度脂蛋白(HDL)之功用 。
Source Naturals introduces the science of patented Sytrinol™, part of the Cholesterol Rescue™ family of products. Sytrinol helps to maintain cholesterol levels that are already within the normal range. Contrary to popular belief, the amount of cholesterol produced by the liver is much more significant to total cholesterol levels than cholesterol consumed from dietary sources. Preliminary clinical research shows that SYTRINOL may assist in maintaining a balanced production of cholesterol by the liver. Support your cholesterol wellness with Source Naturals SYTRINOL today.

Supplement Facts for Tablet
Serving Size: 1 tablet(s)
Amount %DV
Calcium 25 mg 2%
Sytrinol™ (proprietary blend of citrus polymethoxylated flavones and palm tocotrienols) 150 mg †
Other Ingredients: microcrystalline cellulose, dibasic calcium phosphate, modified cellulose gum, stearic acid,, and colloidal silicon dioxide.

Suggested Use: 1 tablet twice daily, or as recommended by your health care professional.


SNS-01757 (控制膽固醇/三酸甘油脂/血糖濃度/預防心血管疾病/控制糖尿病)專利胡蘆巴籽萃取 Promilin™ Fenugreek Extract 60 錠


Source Naturals Promilin™ Fenugreek Extract combines two potent extracts; one, a patent pending extract called Promilin™, is standardized to contain 20% 4-hydroxyisoleucine; the other is rich in galactomannan fibers. Research suggests that both 4-hydroxyisoleucine and galactomannan fibers help support healthy blood sugar and insulin levels when used as part of your diet.

Supplement Facts for Tablet
Serving Size: 1 tablet(s)
Amount %DV
Calcium 45 mg 4%
Promilin™ (Standardized Fenugreek Seed Extract) 500 mg †
Yielding 100 mg 4-Hydroxyisoleucine
Fenugreek Seed Extract (4:1) 100 mg †
Other Ingredients: dibasic calcium phosphate, modified cellulose gum, colloidal silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, and stearic acid.

Suggested Use: 1 tablet with each meal, or as recommended by your health care professional. It is necessary that this product be taken with a meal because it acts in response to glucose intake.


SNS-01531 (專利)甘蔗原素降膽固醇複方錠 20毫克 Policosanol Cholesterol Complex Bio-Aligned Formula™ 60錠




Calories 10
Sodium 5 mg <2%
Total Carbohydrates 1 g <2%
Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid) 600 mg 1,000%
Vitamin E (as natural D-alpha-tocopheryl) 200 IU 660%
Niacin (as inositol hexanicotinate) 500 mg 2,500%
Iodine (from kelp) 150 mcg 100%
Chromium 100 mcg 80%
(as chromium picolinate and ChromeMate®)
Phytosterol Complex 40% 750 mg †
Yielding 300 mg beta-sitosterol
Inositol Hexanicotinate 656 mg †
Garlic Clove (standardized to 8,000 ppm allicin) 600 mg †
Turmeric Extract (95% curcumin) 526 mg †
Artichoke Extract (standardized to 2.5% cynarins) 250 mg †
Methylmethioninesulfonium Chloride (Vitamin U) 200 mg †
Green Tea Extract 95% 100 mg †
Soy Bean Concentrate 100 mg †
Yielding 40 mg total isoflavones
Guggul Extract (10%) 100 mg †
Ginkgo Leaf Extract (50:1) 24% Flavoneglycosides 60 mg †
Dandelion Root Extract (4:1) 50 mg †
Hawthorn Berry Extract (4:1) 50 mg †
Myricetin 30 mg †
Policosanol (from sugar cane) 20 mg †
Other Ingredients: stearic acid, modified cellulose gum, hydroxypropyl cellulose, colloidal silicon dioxide, and magnesium stearate.

產 品 容 量: 60
參 考 重 量: 150克(g)
使 用 方 式: 每晚服用三

注意事項:本品非醫用品,無具醫療功效;乃日常生活保健食品。 如果正在使用薄血治療(blood thinning medication)、抗血小板藥物的患者,譬如:阿斯匹靈,糖尿病、潰瘍、肝機能異常,請諮詢醫師後在服用。孕婦、即將懷孕或哺乳期婦女,請勿服用。請蓋緊,保持儲放處乾、冷和黑暗

SNS-01459 甘蔗原素輔酵素複方錠 10毫克 Policosanol with Coenzyme Q10 120錠



甘蔗原素- 維護心血管健康。

甘蔗原素輔酵素複方錠成分中添加了輔酵素Q10 來增加促進這重要營養素的充分水平。研究顯示:coQ10輔酵素如同甘蔗原素一樣在身體內會因為體內新陳代謝作用的發生而不足。輔酵素Q10 支持心血管系統和細胞能量的製造。

- 維護心血管健康。
- 增強心髒機能。
- 抑制人體對膽固醇的吸收,促進膽固醇新解代謝。
- 細胞能量的製造。

Total Carbohydrates 1 g <2%
Dietary Fiber 1 g 4%
Coenzyme Q10 30 mg †
Policosanol 20 mg †
Other Ingredients: microcrystalline cellulose, stearic acid, colloidal silicon dioxide, and magnesium stearate.

產 品 容 量: 120
參 考 重 量: 56克(g)
使 用 方 式: 前三個月,每晚服用兩。三個月後,每日一至兩

注意事項:本品非醫用品,無具醫療功效;乃日常生活保健食品。 如果正在使用抗血小板藥物的患者,譬如:阿斯匹靈,請諮詢醫師後在服用。孕婦、即將懷孕或哺乳期婦女,請勿服用。請蓋緊,保持儲放處乾、冷和黑暗

SNS-01452 甘蔗原素輔酵素複方錠 10毫克 Policosanol with Coenzyme Q10 60錠



甘蔗原素- 維護心血管健康。

甘蔗原素輔酵素複方錠成分中添加了輔酵素Q10 來增加促進這重要營養素的充分水平。研究顯示:coQ10輔酵素如同甘蔗原素一樣在身體內會因為體內新陳代謝作用的發生而不足。輔酵素Q10 支持心血管系統和細胞能量的製造。

- 維護心血管健康。
- 增強心髒機能。
- 抑制人體對膽固醇的吸收,促進膽固醇新解代謝。
- 細胞能量的製造。

Total Carbohydrates 1 g <2%
Dietary Fiber 1 g 4%
Coenzyme Q10 30 mg †
Policosanol 20 mg †
Other Ingredients: microcrystalline cellulose, stearic acid, colloidal silicon dioxide, and magnesium stearate.

產 品 容 量: 60
參 考 重 量: 50克(g)
使 用 方 式: 前三個月,每晚服用兩。三個月後,每日一至兩

注意事項:本品非醫用品,無具醫療功效;乃日常生活保健食品。 如果正在使用抗血小板藥物的患者,譬如:阿斯匹靈,請諮詢醫師後在服用。孕婦、即將懷孕或哺乳期婦女,請勿服用。請蓋緊,保持儲放處乾、冷和黑暗

SNS-01887 甘蔗原素錠 20毫克 Policosanol Supports Cardiovascular Health  60錠



甘蔗原素- 維護心血管健康。



- 維護心血管健康。
- 增強心髒機能。
- 抑制人體對膽固醇的吸收,促進膽固醇新解代謝。

Policosanol (from sugar cane) 20 mg †
Other Ingredients: microcrystalline cellulose, stearic acid, and colloidal silicon dioxide.

產 品 容 量: 60
參 考 重 量: 25克(g)
使 用 方 式: 前三個月,每晚服用兩。三個月後,每日一至兩。Source Naturals推薦:每錠與最少30毫克的coQ10輔酵素一起服用。研究顯示:coQ10輔酵素如同甘蔗原素一樣在身體內會因體內新陳代謝作用的發生而不足。

注意事項:本品非醫用品,無具醫療功效;乃日常生活保健食品。 如果正在使用抗血小板藥物的患者,譬如:阿斯匹靈,請諮詢醫師後在服用。孕婦、即將懷孕或哺乳期婦女,請勿服用。請蓋緊,保持儲放處乾、冷和黑暗

SNS-01448 甘蔗原素錠 10毫克 Policosanol Supports Cardiovascular Health 60錠



甘蔗原素- 維護心血管健康。



- 維護心血管健康。
- 增強心髒機能。
- 抑制人體對膽固醇的吸收,促進膽固醇新解代謝。

Calcium 82 mg 8%
Policosanol (from sugar cane) 20 mg †
Other Ingredients: dibasic calcium phosphate, microcrystalline cellulose, stearic acid, magnesium stearate, and colloidal silicon dioxide.

產 品 容 量: 60
參 考 重 量: 50克(g)
使 用 方 式: 前三個月,每晚服用兩。三個月後,每日一至兩。Source Naturals推薦:每錠與最少15毫克的coQ10輔酵素一起服用。研究顯示:coQ10輔酵素如同甘蔗原素一樣在身體內會因體內新陳代謝作用的發生而不足。

注意事項:本品非醫用品,無具醫療功效;乃日常生活保健食品。 如果正在使用抗血小板藥物的患者,譬如:阿斯匹靈,請諮詢醫師後在服用。孕婦、即將懷孕或哺乳期婦女,請勿服用。請蓋緊,保持儲放處乾、冷和黑暗

SNS-01884 納豆激酶 Nattokinase NSK-SD™ Systemic Enzyme For Healthy Circulation 100 毫克 30 顆膠囊


Nattokinase is a systemic enzyme isolated from the traditional Japanese soy food natto. It has been shown to support healthy blood flow by assisting in the circulatory clearing system of the body.

Supplement Facts for 100 mg Capsule
Serving Size: 1 capsule(s)
Amount %DV
Nattokinase (NSK-SD™) providing 2,000 fibrin units (FU) of activity 100 mg
Other Ingredients: microcystalline cellulose and gelatin (capsule).

Suggested Use: 1 capsule three times daily on an empty stomach with 8 ounces of water, or as recommended by your health care professional.

注意事項:本品非醫用品,無具醫療功效;乃日常生活保健食品。如果您正在服影響血液凝固的處方藥,譬如:維生素K處方藥、肝素(heparin)或Warfarin(Coumadin)抗凝血劑、利尿藥 (diuretics)、血管張力素轉化媒抑制劑(ACE Inhibitors)、或貝他阻斷劑(Beta-Blockers)、懷孕、準備懷孕授乳婦女,請先諮詢醫師再使用本產品。凝血功能障礙(blood coagulation disorders)者請勿使用本產品。請蓋緊,保持儲放處乾、冷和黑暗

SNS-01725 納豆激酶 Nattokinase NSK-SD™ Systemic Enzyme For Healthy Circulation 36 毫克 90 顆軟膠囊


Nattokinase is a systemic enzyme isolated from the traditional Japanese soy food natto. It has been shown to support healthy blood flow by assisting in the circulatory clearing system of the body.

Supplement Facts for 36 mg Softgels
Serving Size: 2 softgel(s)
Amount %DV
Nattokinase (NSK-SD™) 72 mg †
providing 1,440 fibrin units (FU) of activity
Other Ingredients: soybean oil, gelatin, glycerin, beeswax, glycerin fatty acid ester, and soybean lecithin.

Suggested Use: 1 to 2 softgels three times daily on an empty stomach with 8 ounces of water.

注意事項:本品非醫用品,無具醫療功效;乃日常生活保健食品。如果您正在服影響血液凝固的處方藥,譬如:維生素K處方藥、肝素(heparin)或Warfarin(Coumadin)抗凝血劑、利尿藥 (diuretics)、血管張力素轉化媒抑制劑(ACE Inhibitors)、或貝他阻斷劑(Beta-Blockers)、懷孕、準備懷孕授乳婦女,請先諮詢醫師再使用本產品。凝血功能障礙(blood coagulation disorders)者請勿使用本產品。請蓋緊,保持儲放處乾、冷和黑暗

SNS-01822 納豆激酶 Nattokinase NSK-SD™ Systemic Enzyme For Healthy Circulation 50 毫克 30 顆軟膠囊


Nattokinase is a systemic enzyme isolated from the traditional Japanese soy food natto. It has been shown to support healthy blood flow by assisting in the circulatory clearing system of the body.

Supplement Facts for 50 mg Softgels
Serving Size: 2 softgel(s)
Amount %DV
Nattokinase (NSK-SD™) 100 mg †
providing 2,000 fibrin units (FU) of activity
Other Ingredients: rice bran oil, gelatin, purified water, glycerin, beeswax, medium chain triglycerides, and lecithin.

Suggested Use: 1 to 2 softgels three times daily on an empty stomach with 8 ounces of water, or as recommended by your health care professional.

注意事項:本品非醫用品,無具醫療功效;乃日常生活保健食品。如果您正在服影響血液凝固的處方藥,譬如:維生素K處方藥、肝素(heparin)或Warfarin(Coumadin)抗凝血劑、利尿藥 (diuretics)、血管張力素轉化媒抑制劑(ACE Inhibitors)、或貝他阻斷劑(Beta-Blockers)、懷孕、準備懷孕授乳婦女,請先諮詢醫師再使用本產品。凝血功能障礙(blood coagulation disorders)者請勿使用本產品。請蓋緊,保持儲放處乾、冷和黑暗

SNS-01039 類胱胺酸防禦配方 Homocysteine Defense™ Helps Support the Cardiovascular System 120 錠


Dr James Balch特別推薦,組合了主要的維他命B群,用以消除血液中的類胱胺酸,以保護血管及大腦。
Source Naturals Homocysteine Defense™ is an excellent formula which may provide support to the cardiovascular system. Trimethylglycine (TMG), vitamins B-6, B-12, and folic acid may help in the conversion of homocysteine to other substances, including methionine, thus preventing an unwanted build-up of homocysteine. *

Supplement Facts for Tablet
Serving Size: 2 tablet(s)
Amount %DV
Calories 5
Protein 1 g <2%
Vitamin B-6 (as pyridoxine HCl) 50 mg 2,500%
Folate (as folic acid) 800 mcg 200%
Vitamin B-12 (as cyanocobalamin) 500 mcg 8,330%
Calcium 144 mg 15%
Trimethylglycine (TMG) 1 g †
Other Ingredients: dibasic calcium phosphate, stearic acid, modified cellulose gum, colloidal silicon dioxide, and magnesium stearate.

Suggested Use: 2 tablets daily, or as recommended by your health care professional.



SNS-01638 木酚萃取 Lignan Extract Supports Cardiovascular Health 70 毫克 60 顆膠囊


Clinical research has shown that lignan supports the cardiovascular system, promotes cell health and acts as an antioxidant. Source Naturals Lignan Extract is made from the flax hull as opposed to the flax seed, and thus contains 10-30 times more lignan than flax seed oils. *

Supplement Facts for Capsule
Serving Size: 2 capsule(s)
Amount %DV
Sodium 10 mg <2%
Total Carbohydrates 1 g <2%
High Lignan Flax Hull Extract 20% (LinumLife™) (Yielding 140 mg Lignan) 700 mg †
Other Ingredients: gelatin (capsule), maltodextrin, and colloidal silicon dioxide.

Suggested Use: 2 capsules daily with or without meals, or as recommended by your health care professional.


SNS-00830 亞麻仁油 Omega-Flax™ 1000 毫克 90 顆軟膠囊


冷壓榨法(Cold Pressed)、未精製(Unrefined)
Flaxseed oil is an ideal vegetarian (non-fish) source of omega-3 essential fatty acids (EFAs). Omega-3 EFAs are used to make prostaglandins which regulate many vital body processes. Great care is taken at every step of the manufacturing process to ensure the quality of Source Naturals Omega-Flax™. It is cold pressed and unrefined, using a process that eliminates both light and air during manufacturing, for maximum freshness. *

Supplement Facts for 1,000 mg Softgels
Serving Size: 6 softgel(s)
Amount %DV
Calories 60
Calories from Fat 50
Total Fat 6 g 10%
Saturated Fat 1 g 2%
Total Carbohydrates 1 g <2%
Protein 2 g 4%
Flax Seed Oil 6 g †
Yielding (Approximately):
Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids 3.1 g †
Other Ingredients: gelatin (capsule), glycerine, and purified water.

Suggested Use: 6 to 9 softgels daily with meals, or as recommended by your health care professional.


SNS-01143 亞麻仁油+月見草油複合膠囊 Flax Seed-Primrose Oil 1300 毫克 180 顆軟膠囊


Source Naturals Flax Seed-Primrose Oil provides both omega-3, omega-6, and omega-9 essential fatty acids (EFA's). EFA's act as precursors to molecules such as prostaglandins, thromboxanes and leukotrienes, which help regulate cellular function. EFA's have been shown to play a role in blood pressure maintenance, sustaining healthy skin and providing nutritional support during women's cycles. Flaxseed oil, a rich vegetable source of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), and evening primrose oil, a natural source of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), provide a potent combination of EFA's. *

Supplement Facts for 1,300 mg Softgels
Serving Size: 2 softgel(s)
Amount %DV
Calories 25
Calories from Fat 25
Total Fat 2.5 g 4%
Saturated fat g <2%
Trans Fat g
Flaxseed/Primrose Oil Complex 2.6 g †
(Organic Flaxseed Oil 1.6g; Evening Primrose Oil 1 g)
Yielding omega-3, omega-6, and omega-9 fatty acids:
alpha-Linolenic Acid (ALA) 880 mg †
Linoleic Acid 846 mg †
Oleic Acid 260 mg
gamma-Linolenic Acid (GLA) 95 mg †
Other Ingredients: gelatin, glycerine and purified water.

Suggested Use: 1 to 2 softgels twice daily with meals.




















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