2009年8月16日 星期日

Source Naturals第九頁 --

Source Naturals

Source Naturals成立於1982年。主要產品為維他命,草藥、氨基酸、礦物質等成分的健康成品。Source Naturals的營養補充劑產品是今天健康革命的先驅者,免疫力提昇方面的產品尤為出色;更是市場上同類產品的佼佼者。

量販批發部Source Naturals產品超低價特惠--歡迎參觀選購





SNS-01399 (促進腦微循環/增加腦的供血量)長春乙酯 Vinpocetine Promotes Cerebral Metabolism 10 毫克 120 錠


長春乙酯(Vinpocetine)能增加大腦的微循環,保持必要的能量和氧氣到腦部。Vinpocetine是一種植物營養素在長春花periwinkel (Vinca minor) 發現,在這方面特別的卓越。因為在身體的任何部位,從不減低流量。它借用腦海中一種Phosphodiesterase酵素,降低過度的活動來達成它的效用。它的歷程與Viagra相似。長春乙酯(Vinpocetine)也支持氧和燃料的可利用性。長春乙酯(Vinpocetine)能提升紅血球細胞的能力,收縮它們的外型,讓它們更容易傳送氧氣通過血腦障礙─這是一層細胞緊密連在一起,來保護腦部免於潛在有毒的環境污染。此外,長春乙酯(Vinpocetine)允許血糖更有效地通過血腦障礙,使腦細胞更容易吸取和釋放葡萄糖。用實驗動物模仿中風為條件,科學家已經能夠顯示這些特性提供腦部傷害的保護,這種傷害阻斷血液流通是為中風。許多控制的實驗顯示長春乙酯(Vinpocetine)有能力來維持認知功能。
非阿茲海默症之失智症 (血管性失智Vascular dementia)
Vinpocetine is a derivative of vincamine, a key component of the Lesser Periwinkle plant. Research suggests vinpocetine may improve cognitive performance and short-term memory loss that is sometimes experienced with stress or aging. Animal studies have shown that vinpocetine significantly increases circulatory parameters including total cerebral blood flow. *

Supplement Facts for Tablet
Serving Size: 1 tablet(s)
Amount %DV
Vinpocetine 10 mg †
Other Ingredients: microcrystalline cellulose, stearic acid, and magnesium stearate.

Suggested Use: 1 tablet 1 to 3 times daily with food, or as recommended by your health care professional. Do not exceed 3 tablets per day.

注意事項:本品非醫用品,無具醫療功效;乃日常生活保健食品。本產品僅限成人使用。懷孕、可能會懷孕或授乳婦女 ,請勿使用本產品。請勿空腹服用(如果空腹服用,胃會不舒服)。如果您有低血壓、曾經有過心臟疾病、中風或正在使用薄血藥物(blood-thinning medications),請先諮詢醫師再使用本產品。請蓋緊,保持儲放處乾、冷和黑暗


SNS-01890 (改善的頭腦和肝功能)多元不飽和磷脂膽鹼 PhosChol® PPC 900 毫克 30 顆軟膠囊


        多元不飽和磷脂膽鹼是提供身體多元不飽和磷脂膽鹼(PPC,Polyenylphosphatidylcholine)的最佳方式,而市面上大部分PC營養輔食品皆打著Lecithin(卵磷脂)的名堂。Source Naturals的每一顆PhosChol®胶囊含有100%的多元不飽和磷脂膽鹼,讓您充分享用純正無比的多元不飽和磷脂膽鹼(PPC,Polyenylphosphatidylcholine)效益。

- 改善記憶力和注意力。
- 排除體內毒素,維持肝臟健康。
- 改善感官功能,尤其是嗅覺與味覺。
- 協助消除疲勞。

Polyenylphosphatidylcholine (PPC) is pure phosphatidylcholine derived from soy. PPC contains no other phospholipids that may compete for absorption. Studies show PPC ingestion increases choline levels in the blood and brain, and supports acetylcholine synthesis for proper neuronal and cell function. Daily supplementation of PPC may support and maintain healthy brain and liver function; and gastric mucosal protection. *

Supplement Facts for Softgels
Serving Size: 1 softgel(s)
Amount %DV
Calories 10
Calories from Fat 10
Total Fat 1 g <2%
Polyenylphosphatidylcholine (PhosChol®) 900 mg †
Other Ingredients: glycerides, fatty acids, ethanol, and gelatin.

Suggested Use: 1 softgel 3 times daily, or as recommended by your health care professional.

注意事項:本品非醫用品,無具醫療功效;乃日常生活保健食品。懷孕或授乳婦女,請勿使用。如果您正在使用乙醯膽鹼酯酵素抑制劑(acetylcholinesterase inhibitors),譬如:rivastigmine(Exelon)或Donepezil(Aricept)或如果您曾經有胃灼熱、噁心、失眠或頭疼這些副作用 ,請先諮詢醫師再使用本產品。請蓋緊,保持儲放處乾、冷和黑暗

SNS-00925 (抗老化/老年癡呆症/阿滋海默症)孕烯醇酮 Pregnenolone 50 毫克 120 錠          


Pregnenolone is the starting point from which all steroid hormones are manufactured in our bodies. Its conversion in the body follows different pathways, depending on individual needs. Several clinical studies have demonstrated that pregnenolone may enhance psychomotor performance and decrease fatigue in healthy subjects. *


Supplement Facts for 50 mg Tablet
Serving Size: 1 tablet(s)
Amount %DV
Vitamin C (as ascorbyl palmitate) 22 mg 35%
Pregnenolone 50 mg †
Other Ingredients: sorbitol, mannitol, modified cellulose gum, colloidal silicon dioxide, stearic acid, and magnesium stearate.

Suggested Use: 1 tablet daily. 1/2 tablet may be sufficient for some persons. Do not exceed 1 tablet per day. Do not take for more than 30 days without the advice of your physician, and have your blood hormone (estrogen, testosterone, DHEA) levels regularly assessed by your physician. Using pregnenolone may elevate your DHEA levels, and DHEA can increase estrogen and testosterone levels. Read entire label before using.

注意事項:本品非醫用品,無具醫療功效;乃日常生活保健食品。18歲以下、懷孕或授乳婦女,請勿使用。如果您有/或家史有攝護腺癌、攝護腺肥大、心臟病、"好"膽固醇(HDL)過低, 或如果您正在使用其他膳食補充品、處方藥、非處方藥物,請先諮詢醫師再使用本產品。請勿過量使用,使用過量也許會導致以下有害健康的效應;可能的副作用包括:粉刺、掉頭髮、婦女臉上長毛髮、性情變得有侵略性/火爆/和女性荷爾蒙水平增加。如果使用期間您會心跳加速、頭暈、視線模糊或其它相似的症狀,請停止使用並且看醫師。請放在兒童無法接觸的地方。請蓋緊,保持儲放處乾、冷和黑暗

SNS-00678 (抗老化/老年癡呆症/阿滋海默症) Pregnenolone 25 毫克 120 錠


Pregnenolone is the starting point from which all steroid hormones are manufactured in our bodies. Its conversion in the body follows different pathways, depending on individual needs. Several clinical studies have demonstrated that pregnenolone may enhance psychomotor performance and decrease fatigue in healthy subjects. *


Supplement Facts for 25 mg Tablet
Serving Size: 1 tablet(s)
Amount %DV
Vitamin C (as ascorbyl palmitate) 10 mg 20%
Calcium 21 mg 2%
Pregnenolone 25 mg †
Other Ingredients: dibasic calcium phosphate, microcrystalline cellulose, sorbitol, stearic acid, colloidal silicon dioxide and magnesium stearate.

Suggested Use: 1 to 2 tablets daily. 1/2 tablet may be sufficient for some people. Do not exceed 50 mg per day. Do not take for more than 30 days without the advice of your physician, and have your blood hormone (estrogen, testosterone, DHEA) levels regularly assessed by your physician. Using pregnenolone may elevate your DHEA levels, and DHEA can increase estrogen and testosterone levels. Read entire label before using.

注意事項:本品非醫用品,無具醫療功效;乃日常生活保健食品。18歲以下、懷孕或授乳婦女,請勿使用。如果您有/或家史有攝護腺癌、攝護腺肥大、心臟病、"好"膽固醇(HDL)過低, 或如果您正在使用其他膳食補充品、處方藥、非處方藥物,請先諮詢醫師再使用本產品。請勿過量使用,使用過量也許會導致以下有害健康的效應;可能的副作用包括:粉刺、掉頭髮、婦女臉上長毛髮、性情變得有侵略性/火爆/和女性荷爾蒙水平增加。如果使用期間您會心跳加速、頭暈、視線模糊或其它相似的症狀,請停止使用並且看醫師。請放在兒童無法接觸的地方。請蓋緊,保持儲放處乾、冷和黑暗

SNS-00717 (抗老化/老年癡呆症/阿滋海默症) Pregnenolone 10 毫克 120 錠


Pregnenolone is the starting point from which all steroid hormones are manufactured in our bodies. Its conversion in the body follows different pathways, depending on individual needs. Several clinical studies have demonstrated that pregnenolone may enhance psychomotor performance and decrease fatigue in healthy subjects. *


Supplement Facts for 10 mg Tablet
Serving Size: 1 tablet(s)
Amount %DV
Vitamin C (as ascorbyl palmitate) 10 mg 15%
Pregnenolone 10 mg †
Other Ingredients: sorbitol, mannitol, colloidal silicon dioxide, stearic acid and magnesium stearate.

Suggested Use: 1 to 5 tablets daily. Do not exceed 50 mg per day. Do not take for more than 30 days without the advice of your physician, and have your blood hormone (estrogen, testosterone, DHEA) levels regularly assessed by your physician. Using Pregnenolone may elevate your DHEA levels, and DHEA can increase estrogen and testosterone levels. Read entire label before using.

注意事項:本品非醫用品,無具醫療功效;乃日常生活保健食品。18歲以下、懷孕或授乳婦女,請勿使用。如果您有/或家史有攝護腺癌、攝護腺肥大、心臟病、"好"膽固醇(HDL)過低, 或如果您正在使用其他膳食補充品、處方藥、非處方藥物,請先諮詢醫師再使用本產品。請勿過量使用,使用過量也許會導致以下有害健康的效應;可能的副作用包括:粉刺、掉頭髮、婦女臉上長毛髮、性情變得有侵略性/火爆/和女性荷爾蒙水平增加。如果使用期間您會心跳加速、頭暈、視線模糊或其它相似的症狀,請停止使用並且看醫師。請放在兒童無法接觸的地方。請蓋緊,保持儲放處乾、冷和黑暗


SNS-00753 (櫻桃口味)(抗老化/老年癡呆症/阿滋海默症) Pregnenolone Cherry Flavored 25 毫克 120 舌下錠


Pregnenolone is the starting point from which all steroid hormones are manufactured in our bodies. Its conversion in the body follows different pathways, depending on individual needs. Several clinical studies have demonstrated that pregnenolone may enhance psychomotor performance and decrease fatigue in healthy subjects. *


Supplement Facts for 25 mg Tablet
Serving Size: 1 tablet(s)
Amount %DV
Pregnenolone 25 mg †
Other Ingredients: mannitol, sorbitol, hydroxpropyl methylcellulose, natural cherry flavor, modified cellulose gum, colloidal silicon dioxide, stearic acid, and magnesium stearate.

Suggested Use: 1 to 2 tablets under the tongue daily. Start with one tablet (one-half tablet may be sufficient for some persons) and gradually increase to 2 tablets over several days, as desired. Do not exceed 50 mg per day. Do not take for more than 30 days without the advice of your physician, and have your blood hormone (estrogen, testosterone, DHEA) levels regularly assessed by your physician. Using pregnenolone may elevate your DHEA levels, and DHEA can increase estrogen and testosterone levels. Read entire label before using.

注意事項:本品非醫用品,無具醫療功效;乃日常生活保健食品。18歲以下、懷孕或授乳婦女,請勿使用。如果您有/或家史有攝護腺癌、攝護腺肥大、心臟病、"好"膽固醇(HDL)過低, 或如果您正在使用其他膳食補充品、處方藥、非處方藥物,請先諮詢醫師再使用本產品。請勿過量使用,使用過量也許會導致以下有害健康的效應;可能的副作用包括:粉刺、掉頭髮、婦女臉上長毛髮、性情變得有侵略性/火爆/和女性荷爾蒙水平增加。如果使用期間您會心跳加速、頭暈、視線模糊或其它相似的症狀,請停止使用並且看醫師。請放在兒童無法接觸的地方。請蓋緊,保持儲放處乾、冷和黑暗

SNS-00672 (櫻桃口味)(抗老化/老年癡呆症/阿滋海默症) Pregnenolone Cherry Flavored 10 毫克 120 舌下錠


Pregnenolone is the starting point from which all steroid hormones are manufactured in our bodies. Its conversion in the body follows different pathways, depending on individual needs. Several clinical studies have demonstrated that pregnenolone may enhance psychomotor performance and decrease fatigue in healthy subjects.


Supplement Facts for 10 mg Sublingual
Serving Size: 1 sublingual tablet(s)
Amount %DV
Pregnenolone 10 mg †
Other Ingredients: mannitol, sorbitol, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, natural cherry flavor, modified cellulose gum, colloidal silicon dioxide, stearic acid, and magnesium stearate.

Suggested Use: 1 to 5 tablets under the tongue daily. Do not exceed 50 mg per day. Do not take for more than 30 days without the advice of your physician, and have your blood hormone (estrogen, testosterone, DHEA) levels regularly assessed by your physician. Using pregnenolone may elevate your DHEA levels, and DHEA can increase estrogen and testosterone levels. Read entire label before using.

注意事項:本品非醫用品,無具醫療功效;乃日常生活保健食品。18歲以下、懷孕或授乳婦女,請勿使用。如果您有/或家史有攝護腺癌、攝護腺肥大、心臟病、"好"膽固醇(HDL)過低, 或如果您正在使用其他膳食補充品、處方藥、非處方藥物,請先諮詢醫師再使用本產品。請勿過量使用,使用過量也許會導致以下有害健康的效應;可能的副作用包括:粉刺、掉頭髮、婦女臉上長毛髮、性情變得有侵略性/火爆/和女性荷爾蒙水平增加。如果使用期間您會心跳加速、頭暈、視線模糊或其它相似的症狀,請停止使用並且看醫師。請放在兒童無法接觸的地方。請蓋緊,保持儲放處乾、冷和黑暗

SNS-00562 補腦氨基酸複方膠囊 Phosphatidyl Serine Complex Supports Concentration 500 毫克 60 顆軟膠囊


•含有磷脂酸絲氨酸(Phosphatidyl Serine)
Phosphatidyl serine (PS) is a key human brain phospholipid which is essential for normal neuron structure and function. PS, along with other essential fatty acids, may play a critical role in cognitive function, including maintaining concentration and memory. *

Supplement Facts for Softgels
Serving Size: 1 softgel(s)
Amount %DV
Leci-PS® 20V Soybean Extract 500 mg †
Phosphatidyl Serine 100 mg
Proprietary Blend: 50 mg
Phosphatidyl Choline, Phosphatidyl Ethanolamine, and Phosphatidyl Inositol
Other Ingredients: palm kernel oil, beeswax, vitamin E, gelatin, glycerin, and water.

Suggested Use: 1 to 3 softgels daily, or as recommended by your health care professional.

注意事項:本品非醫用品,無具醫療功效;乃日常生活保健食品。懷孕或授乳婦女 ,請先諮詢醫師再使用本產品。請蓋緊,保持儲放處乾、冷和黑暗

SNS-01148 磷脂酸絲氨酸 Phosphatidyl Serine 100 Supports Cognitive Function 100 毫克 60 錠


Phosphatidyl serine (PS) is one of the key human brain phospholipids and is essential for normal neuron structure and function. PS, along with other essential fatty acids, may also play a critical role in cognitive function, including maintaining concentration and memory. *

Supplement Facts for 100 mg Capsule
Serving Size: 1 capsule(s)
Amount %DV
PS 60 P™ Soybean Extract 166 mg †
Phosphatidyl Serine 100 mg †
Other Ingredients: microcrystalline cellulose, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (capsule), silicified microcrystalline cellulose, colloidal silicon dioxide, and magnesium stearate.

Suggested Use: 1 capsule twice daily.

注意事項:本品非醫用品,無具醫療功效;乃日常生活保健食品。懷孕、準備懷孕或授乳婦女 ,請先諮詢醫師再使用本產品。請蓋緊,保持儲放處乾、冷和黑暗


SNS-00620 磷脂酸膽鹼 Phosphatidyl Choline in Lecithin 420 毫克 180 顆軟膠囊


  許多臨床研究顯示,磷脂酸膽鹼可以阻止肝臟受損,甚至幫助恢復其功能,讓肝臟有時間復原。磷脂酸膽鹼目前已被用來治療B型肝炎和酗酒所引起的肝損傷。磷脂酸膽鹼可強化肝臟的細胞膜。這層膜是細胞的守門員,只容許養份進入細胞,有害的毒物則被阻擋在外。磷脂酸膽鹼也能刺激細胞重生,讓新生的細胞取代老化損毀的肝細胞。它雖然不是救治每種肝臟毛病的萬靈丹,卻可幫助許多病人更快復原。 Source Naturals Phosphatidyl Choline provides premium quality and potency. This product has been concentrated to contain 3 times the phosphatidyl choline found in ordinary lecithin. This special soy lecithin also contains phosphatidyl inositol, phosphatidyl ethanolamine, and related phosphorus-containing lipids. Phosphatidyl choline is a naturally-occurring molecule that is composed of choline, phosphoric acid, and hydrocarbons. It is one of several phosphorus-containing lipids that form the structural elements of all cell membranes in the body. *

Supplement Facts for Softgels
Serving Size: 1 softgel(s)
Amount %DV
Calories 10
Calories from Fat 5
Total Fat 0.5 g <2%
Phosphatidyl Choline (from soy lecithin) 420 mg †
Other Ingredients: gelatin, glycerin, and water.

Suggested Use: 1 to 2 softgels daily, or as recommended by your health care professional.

注意事項:本品非醫用品,無具醫療功效;乃日常生活保健食品。懷孕或授乳婦女 ,請先諮詢醫師再使用本產品。請蓋緊,保持儲放處乾、冷和黑暗

SNS-01177 聖約翰草萃取錠 450毫克 St. John's Wort Extract Standardized to 0.3% Hypericin * Supports a Positive Mental Outlook 180錠



聖約翰草(St. John」s Wort)屬金絲桃科植物,又稱金絲桃。2000多年前,歐洲、北非、西非等地就開始生長、服用聖約翰草。一百多年前,德國人用聖·約翰草調節情感障礙和情緒失調,消除緊張與 憂鬱,令自信恢復並改善睡眠,它在西方屬精神保健食品,其主要活性成份為苯並二蒽酮類衍生物金絲桃素和假金絲桃素,能透過血腦屏障進入大腦,通過系列反應以達到緩解精神緊張和穩定情緒效果。

臨床研究表明聖約翰草能夠有效改善憂鬱症有關癥狀,而且幾乎沒有副作用。 聖約翰草的研究大多使用從其乾燥後的花莖中提取的標準萃取物。 根據德國 Dr Michael Philipp 發表於最近的英國醫學期刊 British Midical Journal 1999;319:1534-1539 的研究論文表示,由263 位患者 6-8周的治療中,使用聖約翰草 (St John「s Wort) 萃取的 hypericum 和處方用藥 imipramine一樣對於中度憂鬱症患者有效,而且副作用更少,更為安全德國醫師使用該藥草已經行之多年,該藥草最近幾年來成為美國`和其它西方世界國家的熱門產品,目前以健康食品販賣,但是由於功效明顯,已經有幾家公司將它的萃取物進一步地研究打算以處方藥商品化上市,德國的Dr Michael Philipp表示,根據他的臨床經驗,聖約翰草的功效比起傳統三環類的抗憂鬱症藥更好。


- 可改善輕度的懮郁癥,例如:心神不寧、失眠、疲勞等。
- 調節情感障礙和情緒失調。
- 可減輕更年期癥狀。

St. John's Wort Aerial Parts 450 mg †
Standardized Extract 0.3%
Yielding 1.35 mg Hypericin
Other Ingredients: dibasic calcium phosphate, modified cellulose gum, microcrystalline cellulose, stearic acid, colloidal silicon dioxide, and magnesium stearate.

產 品 容 量: 180
參 考 重 量: 150克(g)
使 用 方 式: 服用一聖約翰草萃取,每日2次。 為達最佳效果,請持續服用聖約翰草 萃取至少六周。


SNS-00899 聖約翰草萃取錠 300毫克 St. John's Wort Extract Standardized to 0.3% Hypericin * Supports a Positive Mental Outlook 240錠



聖約翰草(St. John」s Wort)屬金絲桃科植物,又稱金絲桃。2000多年前,歐洲、北非、西非等地就開始生長、服用聖約翰草。一百多年前,德國人用聖·約翰草調節情感障礙和情緒失調,消除緊張與 憂鬱,令自信恢復並改善睡眠,它在西方屬精神保健食品,其主要活性成份為苯並二蒽酮類衍生物金絲桃素和假金絲桃素,能透過血腦屏障進入大腦,通過系列反應以達到緩解精神緊張和穩定情緒效果。

臨床研究表明聖約翰草能夠有效改善憂鬱症有關癥狀,而且幾乎沒有副作用。 聖約翰草的研究大多使用從其乾燥後的花莖中提取的標準萃取物。 根據德國 Dr Michael Philipp 發表於最近的英國醫學期刊 British Midical Journal 1999;319:1534-1539 的研究論文表示,由263 位患者 6-8周的治療中,使用聖約翰草 (St John「s Wort) 萃取的 hypericum 和處方用藥 imipramine一樣對於中度憂鬱症患者有效,而且副作用更少,更為安全德國醫師使用該藥草已經行之多年,該藥草最近幾年來成為美國`和其它西方世界國家的熱門產品,目前以健康食品販賣,但是由於功效明顯,已經有幾家公司將它的萃取物進一步地研究打算以處方藥商品化上市,德國的Dr Michael Philipp表示,根據他的臨床經驗,聖約翰草的功效比起傳統三環類的抗憂鬱症藥更好。


- 可改善輕度的懮郁癥,例如:心神不寧、失眠、疲勞等。
- 調節情感障礙和情緒失調。
- 可減輕更年期癥狀。

Calcium 43 mg 4%
St. John's Wort Aerial Parts 300 mg †
Standardized Extract 0.3%
Yielding 0.9 mg Hypericin
Other Ingredients: dibasic calcium phosphate, stearic acid, modified cellulose gum, colloidal silicon dioxide, and magnesium stearate.

產 品 容 量: 240
參 考 重 量: 175克(g)
使 用 方 式: 服用一聖約翰草萃取,每日三次。 為達最佳效果,請持續服用聖約翰草 萃取至少六周。


SNS-01525 (長效釋放Time Release 型)聖約翰草萃取錠 900毫克 St. John's Wort Extract Time Release*Standardized to 0.3% Hypericin Helps Support a Positive Mental Outlook 60錠



聖約翰草(St. John」s Wort)屬金絲桃科植物,又稱金絲桃。2000多年前,歐洲、北非、西非等地就開始生長、服用聖約翰草。一百多年前,德國人用聖·約翰草調節情感障礙和情緒失調,消除緊張與 憂鬱,令自信恢復並改善睡眠,它在西方屬精神保健食品,其主要活性成份為苯並二蒽酮類衍生物金絲桃素和假金絲桃素,能透過血腦屏障進入大腦,通過系列反應以達到緩解精神緊張和穩定情緒效果。

臨床研究表明聖約翰草能夠有效改善憂鬱症有關癥狀,而且幾乎沒有副作用。 聖約翰草的研究大多使用從其乾燥後的花莖中提取的標準萃取物。 根據德國 Dr Michael Philipp 發表於最近的英國醫學期刊 British Midical Journal 1999;319:1534-1539 的研究論文表示,由263 位患者 6-8周的治療中,使用聖約翰草 (St John「s Wort) 萃取的 hypericum 和處方用藥 imipramine一樣對於中度憂鬱症患者有效,而且副作用更少,更為安全德國醫師使用該藥草已經行之多年,該藥草最近幾年來成為美國`和其它西方世界國家的熱門產品,目前以健康食品販賣,但是由於功效明顯,已經有幾家公司將它的萃取物進一步地研究打算以處方藥商品化上市,德國的Dr Michael Philipp表示,根據他的臨床經驗,聖約翰草的功效比起傳統三環類的抗憂鬱症藥更好。


- 可改善輕度的懮郁癥,例如:心神不寧、失眠、疲勞等。
- 調節情感障礙和情緒失調。
- 可減輕更年期癥狀。

Calcium 72 mg 8%
St. John's Wort Aerial Parts Standardized Extract 0.3% Yielding 2.7 mg Hypericin 900 mg †
Other Ingredients: dibasic calcium phosphate, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, silicified microcrystalline cellulose, and magnesium stearate.

產 品 容 量: 60
參 考 重 量: 125克(g)
使 用 方 式: 每日服用一聖約翰草萃取。 為達最佳效果,請持續服用聖約翰草 萃取至少六周。


SNS-00902 聖約翰草萃取膠囊 300毫克 St. John's Wort Extract Standardized to 0.3% Hypericin * Supports a Positive Mental Outlook 240顆膠囊



聖約翰草(St. John」s Wort)屬金絲桃科植物,又稱金絲桃。2000多年前,歐洲、北非、西非等地就開始生長、服用聖約翰草。一百多年前,德國人用聖·約翰草調節情感障礙和情緒失調,消除緊張與憂鬱,令自信恢復並改善睡眠,它在西方屬精神保健食品,其主要活性成份為苯並二蒽酮類衍生物金絲桃素和假金絲桃素,能透過血腦屏障進入大腦,通過系列反應以達到緩解精神緊張和穩定情緒效果。

臨床研究表明聖約翰草能夠有效改善憂鬱症有關癥狀,而且幾乎沒有副作用。 聖約翰草的研究大多使用從其乾燥後的花莖中提取的標準萃取物。 根據德國 Dr Michael Philipp 發表於最近的英國醫學期刊 British Midical Journal 1999;319:1534-1539 的研究論文表示,由263 位患者 6-8周的治療中,使用聖約翰草 (St John「s Wort) 萃取的 hypericum 和處方用藥 imipramine一樣對於中度憂鬱症患者有效,而且副作用更少,更為安全德國醫師使用該藥草已經行之多年,該藥草最近幾年來成為美國`和其它西方世界國家的熱門產品,目前以健康食品販賣,但是由於功效明顯,已經有幾家公司將它的萃取物進一步地研究打算以處方藥商品化上市,德國的Dr Michael Philipp表示,根據他的臨床經驗,聖約翰草的功效比起傳統三環類的抗憂鬱症藥更好。


- 可改善輕度的懮郁癥,例如:心神不寧、失眠、疲勞等。
- 調節情感障礙和情緒失調。
- 可減輕更年期癥狀。

St. John's Wort Aerial Parts 300 mg †
Standardized Extract 0.3%
Yielding 0.9 mg Hypericin
Other Ingredients: gelatin (capsule), maltodextrin, and magnesium stearate.

產 品 容 量: 240顆膠囊
參 考 重 量: 175克(g)
使 用 方 式: 服用一顆膠囊聖約翰草萃取,每日三次。 為達最佳效果,請持續服用聖約翰草萃取至少六周。


SNS-00348 專利抗憂鬱/壓力錠 St John's Positive Thoughts™ Bio-Aligned Formula™ * Supports a Good Mood 45 錠


•生物完整組合配方(Bio-Aligned Formula™)
Positive Thoughts™ combines mood-soothing herbs, calming factors, and uplifting amino acids. It contains standardized herbal extracts of St. John's wort yielding 0.3% hypericin, and valerian yielding 0.8% valerenic acids. It also features Relora®, GABA, magnesium and the amino acids taurine, N-acetyl-L-tyrosine, L-theanine, and L-phenylalanine. *

Supplement Facts for Tablet
Serving Size: 3 tablet(s)
Amount %DV
Calories 10
Total Fat 0.5 g <2%
Sodium 15 mg <2%
Total Carbohydrates 1 g <2%
Dietary Fiber 1 g <4%
Vitamin C (as zinc ascorbate) 55 mg 90%
Thiamin (vitamin B-1) 25 mg 1,670%
Riboflavin (vitamin B-2) 25 mg 1,470%
Niacinamide 50 mg 250%
Vitamin B-6 (as pyridoxine HCl) 50 mg 2,500%
Folate (as folic acid) 800 mcg 200%
Vitamin B-12 (as cyanocobalamin) 30 mcg 500%
Biotin 300 mcg 100%
Pantothenic Acid (as calcium D-pantothenate) 25 mg 250%
Calcium 160 mg 15%
Magnesium (as magnesium oxide & taurinate) 195 mg 50%
Zinc (as zinc ascorbate) 10 mg 70%
Manganese (as manganese citrate) 3 mg 150%
St. John's Wort Extract (0.3%) 900 mg †
Yielding 2.7 mg Hypericin
GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) 500 mg †
Taurine (as magnesium taurinate) 222 mg †
L-Tyrosine 200 mg †
Bacopa Leaf Extract (20% Bacosides) 100 mg †
Lemon Balm Leaf 100 mg †
Valerian Root Extract (0.8%) 100 mg †
Yielding 800 mcg Valerenic Acids
L-Phenylalanine 100 mg †
DMAE (as bitartrate) 60 mg †
L-Theanine 50 mg †
N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine 50 mg †
Relora® 50 mg †
Other Ingredients: dibasic calcium phosphate, stearic acid, modified cellulose gum, acacia gum, colloidal silicon dioxide, and magnesium stearate.

Suggested Use: 1 tablet 3 times daily. For optimal absorption, take between meals or with a carbohydrate meal. 1 tablet can be taken before bedtime. For best results, use this product for at least 6 weeks, although benefits may be experienced sooner.

注意事項:本品非醫用品,無具醫療功效;乃日常生活保健食品。本產品含有苯丙氨酸(phenylalanine)和酪胺酸(Tyrosine)。苯酮尿症患者(Phenylketonurics)或服抗抑鬱劑藥譬如:MAOI 的或SSRI's者、懷孕/授乳期間或可能會懷孕婦女,請勿使用。如果您有慢性高血壓(chronic high blood pressure)或正在使用其他處方藥, 使用前請諮詢醫師。請蓋緊,保持儲放處乾、冷和黑暗

SNS-00524 舒壓營養補充錠 Hi-Stress B&C™ 120 錠


Periods of heightened stress may deplete the body's nutrient stores. This depletion may impede the system's ability to cope and perform effectively. High Stress B&C™ helps restore nutrient levels during times of stress, bringing the body back to balance. *

Supplement Facts for Tablet
Serving Size: 4 tablet(s)
Amount %DV
Calories 10
Sodium 15 mg <2%
Total Carbohydrates 1 g <2%
Dietary Fiber 1 g 4%
Vitamin A 400 IU 8%
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 666 mg 1,110%
Vitamin D-3 (from cholesterol) 68 IU 20%
Thiamin (Vitamin B-1) 66 mg 4,440%
Riboflavin (Vitamin B-2) 40 mg 2,350%
Niacin (as niacinamide 133 mg & niacin 33 mg) 166 mg 830%
Vitamin B-6 (as pyridoxine HCl) 53 mg 2,660%
Folate (as folic acid) 540 mcg 140%
Vitamin B-12 (as cyanocobalamin) 133 mcg 2,220%
Biotin 133 mcg 45%
Pantothenic Acid (as calcium D-pantothenate) 332 mg 3,320%
Calcium (as calcium carbonate) 193 mg 20%
Magnesium (as magnesium oxide & taurinate) 328 mg 80%
Potassium (as potassium citrate) 34 mg <2%
Valerian Root 400 mg †
Catnip Leaf 333 mg †
Jujube Seed 266 mg †
Hops Stobile 233 mg †
Skullcap Aerial Parts 233 mg †
Chamomile Flower 200 mg †
Passion Flower 200 mg †
GABA (gamma-amino butyric acid) 200 mg †
Spirulina 200 mg †
Wood Betony Aerial Parts 166 mg †
Inositol 133 mg †
Ginger Root 100 mg †
Choline (as bitartrate) 69 mg †
Licorice Root 66 mg †
L-Tyrosine 66 mg
PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid) 53 mg †
Phosphatidyl Choline (as lecithin) 20 mg †
Other Ingredients: acacia gum, modified cellulose gum, stearic acid, colloidal silicon dioxide, and magnesium stearate.

Suggested Use: 2 to 4 tablets as needed in response to environmental stress, or as recommended by your health care professional.


SNS-01131 (抗憂鬱)寧神錠 Calm Thoughts™ 90 錠


•生物完整組合配方(Bio-Aligned Formula™)
Calm Thoughts™ addresses the multiple, interdependent body systems that are involved with stress. It influences neuromodulation, energy generation, the adrenals and the musculoskeletal system. Calm Thoughts combines soothing botanicals such as St. John's wort, bacopa and Relora® herbal blend, with supporting nutrients including GABA, L-theanine, magnesium, tyrosine, and folic acid, to provide a balanced formula for relaxed well-being. *

Supplement Facts for Tablet
Serving Size: 3 tablet(s)
Amount %DV
Calories 5
Sodium 5 mg <2%
Total Carbohydrates 1 g <2%
Vitamin C (as zinc ascorbate) 100 mg 170%
Thiamin (vitamin B-1) 25 mg 1,670%
Riboflavin (vitamin B-2) 25 mg 1,470%
Niacinamide 25 mg 120%
Vitamin B-6 (as pyridoxine HCl) 25 mg 1,250%
Folate (as folic acid) 800 mcg 200%
Vitamin B-12 (as cyanocobalamin) 30 mcg 500%
Pantothenic Acid (as calcium D-pantothenate) 50 mg 500%
Calcium (as calcium citrate) 193 mg 20%
Magnesium (as magnesium oxide and taurinate) 300 mg 80%
Zinc (as zinc citrate) 15 mg 100%
Manganese (as manganese chelate) 3 mg 150%
GABA (gamma aminobutyric acid) 600 mg †
L-Tyrosine (as L-tyrosine and N-acetyl L-tyrosine) 250 mg †
Eleuthero Root 200 mg †
Taurine (as magnesium taurinate) 128 mg †
Bacopa Leaf Extract (20%) 100 mg †
Yielding 20 mg Bacosides
Lemon Balm Leaf 100 mg †
Relora® (Phellodendron amurense and 100 mg †
Magnolia officinalis Extract blend)
L-Theanine 100 mg †
Valerian Root 60 mg †
St. John's Wort Leaf & Flower Extract (4:1) 50 mg †
St. John's Wort Leaf & Flower Extract (0.3%) Yielding 0.15 mg Hypericin 50 mg †
Ginger Root 50 mg †
Licorice Root Extract (4:1) 50 mg †
Ginkgo Leaf Extract (50:1 ) 24% Flavoneglycosides 30 mg †
Schisandra Fruit 30 mg †
Other Ingredients: stearic acid, dibasic calcium phosphate, acacia gum, modified cellulose gum, colloidal silicon dioxide, and magnesium stearate.

Suggested Use: 1 to 3 tablets daily, or as recommended by your health care professional. Best if taken between meals. If stomach is sensitive, take with meals.

注意事項:本品非醫用品,無具醫療功效;乃日常生活保健食品。懷孕或授乳婦女、 正在使用處方藥物者,請先諮詢醫師再使用本產品。 使用過量也許會削弱駕駛或操作重型設備能力。請勿與酒精飲料同時使用。請蓋緊,保持儲放處乾、冷和黑暗


























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