2009年8月15日 星期六

Source Naturals第十二頁 --

source Naturals

Source Naturals成立於1982年。主要產品為維他命,草藥、氨基酸、礦物質等成分的健康成品。Source Naturals的營養補充劑產品是今天健康革命的先驅者,免疫力提昇方面的產品尤為出色;更是市場上同類產品的佼佼者。

量販批發部Source Naturals產品超低價特惠--歡迎參觀選購




SNS-01550 (專利小分子)口服天然玻尿酸 Injuv Hyaluronic Acid™ 70 毫克 60 顆軟膠囊



玻尿酸Injuv® - 這個專利在審理中的產品含有口服小分子的玻尿酸 (Hyaluronic Acid),有助于保持皮膚組織的水份,能袪除皮膚上條紋、皺紋和疤痕;同時也能補助關節的潤滑液,有助關節的健康。
Injuv™ is a revolutionary new form of hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid plays an integral role in maintaining and regulating moisture within the tissues and facillitates the transport of nutrients into the cells and the transport of metabolic waste. It is found in all the body's tissues, with the highest concentrations located in the extracellular matrix of the skin and in the synovial fluid that bathes the joints and cartilage. Optimum levels of hyaluronic acid are essential for the health of joints and cartilage. Injuv™ provides the only hyaluronic acid that has undergone a natural enzyme cleaving technique for greater absorption. *

Supplement Facts for Softgels
Serving Size: 2 softgel(s)
Amount %DV
Injuv™ 140 mg †
Yielding 9% Hyaluronic Acid 12.6 mg †
Other Ingredients: rice bran oil, gelatin (capsule), glycerin, water, beeswax, and titanium dioxide.

Suggested Use: 2 softgels twice daily with a meal for the first 3 weeks. Dosage can then be decreased to two softgels daily.


SNS-01507 (加強型)皮膚永恆錠 Skin Eternal Plus™ 120錠



- 生物完整組合配方,修復受損肌膚。

皮膚永恆加強型采用生物完整組合配方,締造健康、柔嫩肌膚。皮膚永恆加強型成分中含有抗壞血酸棕櫚酸酯(Ascorbyl palmitate ),DMAE,維他命E和葡萄籽精華等,有助於和皮膚相關的各個身體系統的健康,如保護細胞膜的完整性,修復真皮層,促進細胞的新成代謝,淨化肝髒和血液。抗壞血酸棕櫚酸酯(Ascorbyl palmitate )為脂化維他命C,研究發現它比水溶型的維他命C能更有效的為細胞中的油脂提供抗氧化保護。DMAE為膽鹼的前體,是皮膚細胞膜的重要成分。DMAE可以幫助肌肉緊實及抗自由基,緊膚,抗衰老。硫辛酸(Alpha-lipoic acid)是一種強效脂、水雙溶的抗氧化物,體內缺乏維他命E或C,硫辛酸將暫時接替它們,硫辛酸還能大大增強維他命C和E的作用。葡萄籽提取物有效清除脂溶和水溶的自由基,保證彈性蛋白和膠原蛋白的完整。


- 保持肌膚彈性、光澤。
- 抗衰老,保持肌膚永遠年輕。
- 修復真皮層。
- 保護細胞膜完整性,促進新成代謝。
- 淨化肝髒和血液
- 有助於肌肉和神經系統功能。
- 緩解壓力。
- 抗氧化。

Calories 10
Sodium 5 mg <2%
Vitamin A (as palmitate 5,000 IU & beta-carotene 7,500 IU) 12,500 IU 250%
Vitamin C (from ascorbic acid, ascorbyl palmitate, and calcium, magnesium, & zinc ascorbates) 1,000 mg 1,700%
Vitamin D-3 (as cholecalciferol) 200 IU 50%
Vitamin E (as natural D-alpha tocopheryl) 400 IU 1,330%
Thiamin (vitamin B-1) 25 mg 1,670%
Riboflavin (vitamin B-2) 25 mg 1,470%
Niacin 15 mg and Niacinamide 20 mg 35 mg 180%
Vitamin B-6 (as pyridoxine HCl) 30 mg 1,500%
Folate (as folic acid) 400 mcg 100%
Vitamin B-12 (as methylcobalamin & dibencozide) 100 mcg 1,590%
Biotin 2 mg 670%
Pantothenic Acid (as calcium D-pantothenate) 50 mg 500%
Calcium (as calcium carbonate & ascorbate) 166 mg 15%
Magnesium (as magnesium oxide, ascorbate & malate) 100 mg 25%
Zinc (as zinc monomethionine [OptiZinc®] & ascorbate) 25 mg 170%
Selenium (as L-selenomethionine and sodium selenite) 200 mcg 290%
Chromium (as chromium polynicotinate [Chromemate®]) 200 mcg 170%
MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane [Opti-MSM®]) 1 g †
Ascorbyl Palmitate (vitamin C ester) 500 mg †
L-Proline 400 mg †
L-Lysine HCl 400 mg †
Inositol 300 mg †
L-Glutamine 300 mg †
Horsetail Silica Extract 214 mg †
N-Acetyl Cysteine 200 mg †
Grape Seed Extract (Proanthodyn™) 105 mg †
Glucosamine Sulfate (as potassium chloride) 100 mg †
DMAE (as bitartrate) 100 mg †
alpha-Lipoic Acid 100 mg †
N-Acetyl Glucosamine 100 mg †
Bupleurum Root 50 mg †
Burdock Root 50 mg †
Sarsaparilla Root 50 mg †
Tocotrienol Complex (Tocomax®) 50 mg †
Yellow Dock Root 50 mg †
American Ginseng Root Extract 4:1 40 mg †
Dandelion Root Extract 4:1 30 mg †
Licorice Root Extract 30 mg †
Coenzyme Q10 15 mg †
Black Pepper Fruit Extract (Bioperine®) 6 mg †
Other Ingredients: stearic acid, hydroxypropyl cellulose, modified cellulose gum, and colloidal silicon dioxide.

產 品 容 量: 120錠
參 考 重 量: 300克(g)
使 用 方 式: 每日隨餐服用四皮膚永恆加強型。健康的飲食:攝入一定量的脂肪酸和每日飲用8大杯白開水是健康肌膚的基礎。

注 意 事 項: 本品非醫用品;無具醫療功效,乃日常生活保健食品。孕婦、哺乳期婦女或准備懷孕的女性,以及癲癇癥患者請諮詢醫師後在使用。

SNS-01625 口服小分子膠原美妍錠 Skin Eternal™ Hyaluronic Acid Supports Skin Fitness 50毫克 60錠



玻尿酸(Hyaluronic acid)
又稱透明質酸,能夠改善皮膚受損,減輕皺紋,維護並締造彈性和光澤的肌膚,是皮膚活力的源泉。隨年齡增長,人體玻尿酸和膠原蛋白含量會逐漸流失,皮膚也每況愈下,松弛,皺紋,黯淡等問題也顯露出來。BioCell Collagen II所含的關鍵成分將幫助恢復柔嫩肌膚,重現皮膚彈性和光澤。

專利的 BioCell Collagen II是來自100% 純的軟骨,它可以承受吸收過程中,受到水解的考驗,進而產生低分子量的玻尿酸、軟骨素、第二代膠原蛋白鏈。而這些珍貴的元素,能全方位地幫助維持皮膚功能的健康,並且維護結締組織的健康。此外,玻尿酸膠原蛋白對全方位地維護皮膚功能的健康,保持皮膚的保水度、柔軟和彈性也起著至關重要的作用。

一般的膠原蛋白與玻尿酸分子大,無法被人體吸收。BioCell Collagen II是通過專利水解方法加工將分子分解得非常的小,能快速被吸收進入血液循環,提高生物利用率,更容易被人體利用,是其它產品所無法達到的吸收效果。

專利BioCell Collagen II 玻尿酸的功能:
- 補充組織流失的膠原蛋白,防止肌膚老化。
- 抗老化、防皺紋、美容養顏。

Calories 5
Protein 1 g <2%
BioCell Collagen II™ 1 g †
Type II Collagen 600 mg †
Chondroitin Sulfate 200 mg †
Hyaluronic Acid 100 mg †
Other Ingredients: stearic acid, microcrystalline cellulose, natural peppermint, modified cellulose gum, and colloidal silicon dioxide.

產 品 容 量: 60錠
參 考 重 量: 75克(g)
使 用 方 式: 每日兩次,每次服用兩錠BioCell Collagen II 玻尿酸膠原蛋白。

注 意 事 項: 本品非醫用品;無具醫療功效,乃日常生活保健食品。懷孕/授乳期間婦女,請諮詢醫師後在服用


SNS-01626 口服小分子膠原美妍錠 Skin Eternal™ Hyaluronic Acid Supports Skin Fitness 50毫克 120錠



玻尿酸(Hyaluronic acid)
又稱透明質酸,能夠改善皮膚受損,減輕皺紋,維護並締造彈性和光澤的肌膚,是皮膚活力的源泉。隨年齡增長,人體玻尿酸和膠原蛋白含量會逐漸流失,皮膚也每況愈下,松弛,皺紋,黯淡等問題也顯露出來。BioCell Collagen II所含的關鍵成分將幫助恢復柔嫩肌膚,重現皮膚彈性和光澤。

專利的 BioCell Collagen II是來自100% 純的軟骨,它可以承受吸收過程中,受到水解的考驗,進而產生低分子量的玻尿酸、軟骨素、第二代膠原蛋白鏈。而這些珍貴的元素,能全方位地幫助維持皮膚功能的健康,並且維護結締組織的健康。此外,玻尿酸膠原蛋白對全方位地維護皮膚功能的健康,保持皮膚的保水度、柔軟和彈性也起著至關重要的作用。

一般的膠原蛋白與玻尿酸分子大,無法被人體吸收。BioCell Collagen II是通過專利水解方法加工將分子分解得非常的小,能快速被吸收進入血液循環,提高生物利用率,更容易被人體利用,是其它產品所無法達到的吸收效果。

專利BioCell Collagen II 玻尿酸的功能:
- 補充組織流失的膠原蛋白,防止肌膚老化。
- 抗老化、防皺紋、美容養顏。

Calories 10
Total Carbohydrate 1 g <1%*
Protein 1 g 2%*
BioCell Collagen II™ 1 g †
Type II Collagen 600 mg †
Chondroitin Sulfate 200 mg †
Hyaluronic Acid 100 mg †
Other Ingredients: microcrystalline cellulose, stearic acid, modified cellulose gum, colloidal silicon dioxide, and natural peppermint.

產 品 容 量: 120錠
參 考 重 量: 160克(g)
使 用 方 式: 每日兩次,每次服用兩錠BioCell Collagen II 玻尿酸膠原蛋白。

注 意 事 項: 本品非醫用品;無具醫療功效,乃日常生活保健食品。懷孕/授乳期間婦女,請諮詢醫師後在服用

SNS-01483 皮膚永恆  Skin Eternal™ With DMAE, Lipoic Acid and C Ester 120錠



- 帶給你永遠年輕的肌膚。

皮膚永恆含有五中關鍵成分能夠保護皮膚,重建健康的肌膚組織。抗壞血酸棕櫚酸酯(Ascorbyl palmitate )為脂化維生素C,研究發現它比水溶型的維生素C能更有效的為細胞中的油脂提供抗氧化保護。DMAE為膽鹼的前體,是皮膚細胞膜的重要成分。DMAE可以幫助肌肉緊實及抗自由基,緊膚,抗衰老。硫辛酸(Alpha-lipoic acid)是一種強效脂、水雙溶的抗氧化物,體內缺乏維他命E或C,硫辛酸將暫時接替它們,硫辛酸還能大大增強維他命C和E的作用。葡萄籽提取物有效清除脂溶和水溶的自由基,保證彈性蛋白和膠原蛋白的完整。


- 保持肌膚彈性、光澤。
- 抗衰老,保持肌膚永遠年輕。 

Calories 5
Total Carbohydrates 1 g <2%
Vitamin C (Ester, from ascorbyl palmitate) 216 mg 360%
Vitamin E (as natural D-alpha-tocopheryl) 100 IU 330%
Ascorbyl Palmitate (Vitamin C Ester) 510 mg †
alpha-Lipoic Acid 100 mg †
Grape Seed Extract (Proanthodyn™) 50 mg †
DMAE (as bitartrate) 50 mg †
Other Ingredients: sorbitol, stearic acid, modified cellulose gum, and colloidal silicon dioxide.

產 品 容 量: 120錠
參 考 重 量: 150克(g)
使 用 方 式: 每日隨餐服用2-4皮膚永恆。健康的飲食:攝入一定量的脂肪酸和每日飲用8大杯白開水是健康肌膚的基礎。

注 意 事 項: 本品非醫用品;無具醫療功效,乃日常生活保健食品。孕婦、哺乳期婦女或准備懷孕的女性,以及癲癇癥患者請諮詢醫師後在使用。

SNS-01594 皮膚永恆保濕露 Skin Eternal DMAE Serum 50 毫升 (1.7 液量盎司)


Skin Eternal™ DMAE Serum, an aqueous cosmetic serum, is a moisturizing lotion containing a rich blend of nutrients and plant extracts. This serum is easily absorbed into the skin, and immediately makes the skin feel softer and replenished. It is lightly scented with kiwi and coconut fragrance. *

Supplement Facts for Liquid
Serving Size: 1 to 4 drops
Amount %DV
Deionized Water, Propylene Glycol, DMAE, Polysorbate 80, Glycerin, Vitamin C-Ester (Ascorbyl Palmitate), Polyethylene Glycol, Coconut Fragrance, alpha-Lipoic Acid, Kiwi Fruit Fragrance, Aloe Vera leaf, Biotin, Vitamin A, Vitamin D-3, Coenezyme Q10, Vitamin E, Calcium Pantothenate, and Chamomile Flower Extract(4:1), Simethicone, Phenoxyethanol, and Aragum.

Suggested Use: SHAKE WELL BEFORE USING. 1 to 2 times daily, place 1 to 4 drops of serum on your finger and gently massage into the desired area of your face, hands, neck, or other skin areas.

注意事項:本品非醫用品,無具醫療功效 ;乃日常生活保健用品。僅限外用。本產品請勿放入口中、接觸眼睛。如果不慎接觸眼睛,請用大量清水沖洗乾淨;如有需要,請諮詢醫師。如果皮膚不適有發紅、刺激、或其它不良反應出現,請立刻停止使用並且諮詢醫師。。請蓋緊,保持儲放處乾、冷和黑暗

SNS-01743 玻尿酸精華液 Hyaluronic Serum (Skin Eternal) 30 毫升 (1 液量盎司)


Skin Eternal™ Hyaluronic Serum features hyaluronic acid (HA), one of the skin's most important moisture-retaining components. Unlike other HA cosmetics, Skin Eternal Hyaluronic Serum contains low molecular weight HA, which is more easily absorbed. Skin Eternal will leave your skin feeling soft and replenished. *

Supplement Facts for Liquid
Serving Size: 1 to 4 drops
Amount %DV
Deionized Water, Propylene Glycol, Polysorbate 80, Glycerin, Vitamin C-Ester (Ascorbyl Palmitate), DMAE, Biocell Collagen II (10% Hyaluronic Acid), Polyethelene Glycol, Coconut Fragrance, Jasmine Fragrance, alpha-lipoic Acid, Kiwi Fragrance, Aloe Vera Leaf, Biotin, Vitamin A, Vitamin D-3, Coenzyme Q10, Vitamin E, Calcium Pantothenate, Chamomile Flower Extract (4:1), Simethicone, Phenoxyethanol, and Aragum.

Suggested Use: SHAKE WELL BEFORE USING. 1 to 2 times daily, place 1 to 4 drops of serum on your finger and gently massage into the desired area of your face, hands, neck, or other skin areas.


SNS-01833 皮膚永恆保濕霜 Skin Eternal DMAE Cream 2 盎司 (56.7 公克)


Source Naturals Skin Eternal™ DMAE Cream contains a high potency of DMAE, shown in research to increase skin firmness. It also contains lipoic acid, ascorbyl palmitate (C-Ester), CoQ10, MSM and other skin supporting nutrients and plant extracts in a rich and luxurious base. DMAE cream helps your skin feel more supple and replenished without a lingering oily feeling. It may be used by itself or in conjunction with Skin Eternal™ Serum. It has a fresh light scent.

Supplement Facts for Cream
Serving Size:
Amount %DV
Deionized Water, DMAE Bitartrate, Glyceryl Stearate and PEG-100 Stearate (emulsifier), Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride (emollient), Vitamin C (C-Ester [Ascorbyl Palmitate] & Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate), Esteryl Alcohol (emulsifier), Cetyl Alcohol (emollient), Glycerin, Stearic Acid, Dimethicone (conditioner), Beeswax, Myristyl Alcohol-Adipic Acid Compound (emollient), Triethanolamine (pH adjuster), Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), alpha-Lipoic Acid, Aloe Vera Gel, Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein, Imperata Cylindrica Extract, Melon Fragrance, PEG-100, Cocoa Butter, Panthenol (vitamin B-5), Methylparaben (preservative), Jojoba Oil, Lecithin Phospholipid, Squalane, Coenzyme Q10, Xanthan Gum, Potassium Benzoate (preservative), D-alpha Tocopherol, Sodium Metabisulfite (antioxidant), Tocotrienols, Marigold Extract, Sage Leaf Extract, Ginkgo biloba Extract, Chamomile Extract, Green Tea Extract, Panax Ginseng Extract, Grape Seed Extract, Grapefruit Seed Extract, and Citric Acid.

Suggested Use: Gently massage a small amount of cream onto desired areas of face, neck or back of hands. Works well alone as a moisturizer or under make-up. May also be used after applying Skin Eternal(tm) Serum. Allow serum to absorb into skin and then apply cream as suggested.


SNS-01504 皮膚永恆精華液 1.7 fl oz裝 Skin Eternal™ Serum



Skin Eternal 皮膚永恆精華液為水狀,猶如化妝水內添加多種滋養成分和植物精華,更有利於皮膚快速吸收養分,使用後肌膚立刻得到完美保護和修復,容光煥發,細嫩肌膚尤如新生。長期使用,神奇的抗衰老作用可使青春永駐。

Skin Eternal 皮膚永恆精華液為清新的薰衣草和檸檬香味。其獨特的滋養成分主要為:蘆薈精華,檸檬精油,硫辛酸(alpha lipoic acid),維他命H(biotin),CoQ10,DMAE,有機硫(MSM),酯化維他命C,維他命A、D3和E,以及甘菊精華。

-硫辛酸類似維他命,是一種存在於粒線體的酵素,硫辛酸在體內經腸道吸收後進入細胞,它即溶於水又溶於脂肪。硫辛酸是已知天然抗氧劑中效果最強的一種,提供人體全面效能。硫辛酸能大大增強維他命C和E的作用,因此將Alpha-Lipoic Acid 和一些其它的抗氧化成份,如CoQ10及維他命C及E等一起制成復方, 可能就會提高這些抗氧化成份的效果,且硫辛酸的作用力要比其他抗氧化劑持久。

- 脂化維他命C水溶型的維他命C能更有效的為細胞中的油脂提供抗氧化保護。

- DMAE為膽鹼的前體,是皮膚細胞膜的重要成分。DMAE可以幫助肌肉緊實及抗自由基,緊膚,抗衰老,可以幫助消除細微皺紋尤其是眼袋下的皺紋,因此DMAE又被戲稱為拉皮霜。

- 有機硫(MSM)對形成皮膚中的膠原質和角蛋白很關鍵,可以保持或恢復皮膚彈性。

Deionized Water, Propylene Glycol, Polysorbate 80, Glycerin, Vitamin C-Ester (Ascorbyl Palmitate), DMAE, Polyethylene Glycol, Glycolic Acid (alpha-Hydroxy Acid), alpha-Lipoic Acid, Lemon Oil, Simethicone, Lavender Oil, Aloe Vera, Methylparaben, Biotin, Vitamin A Palmitate, Vitamin D-3, Vitamin E, Calcium Pantothenate, Coenzyme Q10, and Chamomile Flower Extract 4:1.

產 品 容 量: 1.7 fl 盎司(50ml)
參 考 重 量: 170克(g)
使 用 方 式: 每日使用一至兩次, 按壓一至四滴於指尖,輕輕的涂抹與面部,頸部,手背或需要部位。

注 意 事 項: 本品非醫用品;無具醫療功效,乃日常生活保健用品。 僅限外用。如果不小心進入眼睛,請以大量清水沖洗,如需要,請就醫。使用後,如果皮膚產生紅腫等不良反應,請停止使用。

SNS-01636 皮膚永恆乳霜基本型 4OZ裝 Skin Eternal™ Cream With Lipoic Acid, DMAE, C-Ester & CoQ10 * Original Skin Creams



Skin Eternal 皮膚永恆乳霜-適合所有膚質。
Paraben free 不含防腐劑
Skin Eternal 皮膚永恆乳霜特有的滋養成分,天然油脂和植物精華,充分呵護面部、眼周和頸部嬌嫩肌膚。Skin Eternal 皮膚永恆乳霜中主要成分為硫辛酸(alpha lipoic acid),維他命H(biotin),輔酵素 CoQ10,二甲氨基乙醇護膚精華(DMAE),荷荷芭油(Jojoba oil),有機硫(MSM),鮫鯊烯(SQUALENE)和酯化維他命C,以及葡萄籽、人參、綠茶、鼠尾草、金盞草以及柚子籽等植物的精華。

皮膚永恆乳霜 - 補充肌膚養分

Deionized Water, Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride (emollient), Esteryl Alcohol (emulsifier), Vitamin C (C-Ester [Ascorbyl Palmitate] & Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate), DMAE Bitartrate, Glyceryl Stearate & PEG-100 Stearate (emulsifier), Glycerin, Glycolic Acid, alpha-Lipoic Acid, Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), Cetyl Alcohol (emollient), Myristyl Alcohol-Adipic Acid Compound (emollient), Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein, Stearic Acid, Dimethicone (conditioner), Triethanolamine (pH adjuster), Aloe Vera Gel, Imperata Extract, PEG-100, Kiwi Fragrance, Panthenol (vitamin B-5), Jojoba Oil, Methylparaben (preservative), Squalene, Coenzyme Q10, Lecithin Phospholipid, Cocoa Butter, d-alpha Tocopherol, Potassium Benzoate (preservative), Retinyl Palmitate, Sodium Metabisulfite (antioxidant), Tocotrienols, Marigold Extract, Sage Leaf Extract, Ginkgo Leaf Extract, Chamomile Extract, Green Tea Extract, Asian Ginseng Extract, Grape Seed Extract, Grapefruit Seed Extract, and Citric Acid.

產 品 容 量: 4 盎司(113.4 公克)
參 考 重 量: 300克(g)
使 用 方 式: 取少量皮膚永恆乳霜涂抹於面部、頸部、手背或需要的地方,輕輕按摩。保濕度佳可做為上粉底前的乳霜使用。也可在皮膚永恆緊膚精華液使用後配合使用,建議在精華液充分吸收後涂抹適量皮膚永恆乳霜以達到最佳效果。

注 意 事 項: 本品非醫用品;無具醫療功效,乃日常生活保健用品。 僅限外用。如果不小心進入眼睛,請以大量清水沖洗,如需要,請就醫。使用後,如果皮膚產生紅腫等不良反應,請停止使用。

SNS-01721 皮膚永恆乳霜基本型 4OZ裝 Skin Eternal™ Cream With Lipoic Acid, DMAE, C-Ester & CoQ10 * Sensitive Skin Creams



Skin Eternal 皮膚永恆乳霜- 適合敏感肌膚。
Paraben free 不含防腐劑
Skin Eternal 皮膚永恆乳霜特有的滋養成分,天然油脂和植物精華,充分呵護面部、眼周和頸部嬌嫩肌膚。Skin Eternal 皮膚永恆乳霜中主要成分為硫辛酸(alpha lipoic acid),維他命H(biotin),輔酵素 CoQ10,二甲氨基乙醇護膚精華(DMAE),荷荷芭油(Jojoba oil),有機硫(MSM),鮫鯊烯(SQUALENE)和酯化維他命C,以及葡萄籽、人參、綠茶、鼠尾草、金盞草以及柚子籽等植物的精華。皮膚永恆乳霜中不含果酸,特殊配方即使是脆弱的敏感肌 膚也可放心使用。

皮膚永恆乳霜 - 補充肌膚養分

Deionized Water, Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride (emollient), Esteryl Alcohol (emulsifier), Vitamin C (C-Ester [Ascorbyl Palmitate] & Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate), DMAE Bitartrate, Glyceryl Stearate & PEG-100 Stearate (emulsifier), Glycerin, alpha L

ipoic Acid, Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), Cetyl Alcohol (emollient), Cetyl Alcohol (emollient) Myristyl Alcohol-Adipic Acid Compound (emollient), Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein, Stearic Acid, Dimethicone (conditioner), Aloe Vera Gel, Imperata Extract, Triethanolamine (pH adjuster), PEG-100, Kiwi Fragrance, Panthenol (vitamin B-5), Jojoba Oil, Squalene, Coenzyme Q10, Lecithin Phospholipid, Cocoa Butter, d-alpha Tocopherol, Potassium Benzoate (preservative), Retinyl Palmitate, Sodium Metabisulfite (antioxidant), Tocotrienols, Marigold Extract, Sage Leaf Extract, Ginkgo biloba Extract, Chamomile Extract, Green Tea Extract, Panax Ginseng Extract, Grape Seed Extract, Grapefruit Seed Extract, and Citric Acid.

產 品 容 量: 4 盎司(113.4 公克)
參 考 重 量: 300克(g)
使 用 方 式: 取少量皮膚永恆乳霜涂抹於面部、頸部、手背或需要的地方,輕輕按摩。保濕度佳可做為上粉底前的乳霜使用。也可在皮膚永恆緊膚精華液使用後配合使用,建議在精華液充分吸收後涂抹適量皮膚永恆乳霜以達到最佳效果。

注 意 事 項: 本品非醫用品;無具醫療功效,乃日常生活保健用品。 僅限外用。如果不小心進入眼睛,請以大量清水沖洗,如需要,請就醫。使用後,如果皮膚產生紅腫等不良反應,請停止使用。

SNS-01572 皮膚永恆沐浴精油 8 fl oz裝 Skin Eternal™ Bath Oil



皮膚永恆沐浴精油- 滋潤肌膚,煥發肌膚年輕活力。


皮膚永恆沐浴精油- 為肌膚補充養分。




- 保持肌膚彈性、光澤。
- 抗衰老,保持肌膚永遠年輕。
- 修復真皮層。
- 保護細胞膜完整性,促進新成代謝。
- 淨化肝髒和血液
- 有助於肌肉和神經系統功能。
- 緩解壓力。
- 抗氧化。

Sunflower Seed Oil, Deionized Water, Polysorbate 80, Polyethylene Glycol, Lavender Oil, Lemon Oil, DMAE, Vitamin C-Ester (Ascorbyl Palmitate), alpha-Lipoic Acid, Aloe Vera, Vitamin D-3, Methylparaben, Simethicone, Vitamin E, Chamomile Flower Extract, Vitamin A Palmitate, Coenzyme Q10, Biotin, and Green Tea Extract.

產 品 容 量: 8 fl 盎司(240ml)
參 考 重 量: 270克(g)
使 用 方 式: 搖勻。沐浴:按壓兩次至浴缸中的溫水裡。放松浸泡。 本品成分溫和,即使是敏感肌膚也適合每天使用。無需沖洗。 

注 意 事 項: 本品非醫用品;無具醫療功效,乃日常生活保健用品。 僅限外用。

SNS-01972 煥膚祛皺膏 0.5OZ装 PsoriaClear™



PsoriaClear 煥膚祛皺膏- 幫助肌膚恢復年輕活力。

- 一位俄國的外科醫生在俄國一個不知名的小鎮外發現了這個古老的、遺失了幾個世紀的肌膚護理配方。使用古老的草藥精華能夠消除皺紋,恢復肌膚彈性。
- 純天然成分:蜂蜡,動物脂肪,沙棘(Sea buckthorn)和bata胡蘿蔔素。不含任何煤焦油或類固醇。
- 取自俄國和中國的沙棘(Sea buckthorn)具有神奇的滋養成分,能夠幫助修復皮膚細胞。沙棘(Sea buckthorn)果中含有大量的天然維他命A、E、B-1、B-2、K和P,以及胡蘿卜素和類黃酮。沙棘(Sea buckthorn)還含有豐富的天然脂肪酸:植物油酸,亞油酸,pentadecenoic,棕櫚油酸,heptadecenoic,亞麻酸,eicosenoic 等。

PsoriaClear 煥膚祛皺膏具有奇特效果不僅是因為擁有該民間配方,PsoriaClear 煥膚祛皺膏更是選用各個指定時期收獲的天然成分,按照一定的次序和重量比例合成。PsoriaClear 煥膚祛皺膏的繁瑣制造過程只為幫助肌膚恢復年輕活力。

Beeswax (Cera flava), Lard Oil (Oleum adipis), Sea Buckthorn Oil (Oleum Hippophae rhamnoides), beta-Carotene, and Benzyl Alcohol (preservative). 0.5 oz

產 品 容 量: 0.50 盎司(14.80公克)
參 考 重 量: 55克(g)
使 用 方 式: 在手指頭間軟化膏體,在需要的部位抹上薄薄的一層,每日兩次。

注意事項:本品非醫用品,無具醫療功效;乃日常生活保健用品。 僅限外用。如果不小心進入眼睛,請以大量清水沖洗,如需要,請就醫。使用後,如果皮膚產生紅腫等不良反應,請停止使用。

SNS-01971 嫩膚膏 0.5OZ裝 EczeMate®



EczeMate 嫩膚膏- 締造如綢緞般光滑皮膚。

- 遺失了幾個世紀的俄國配方,使用古老的草藥精華給肌膚從未有過的滋潤、光滑感受。
- 純天然成分:蜂蜡,動物脂肪,野玫瑰果油和維他命C。
- 野玫瑰果油成分類似皮膚細胞膜,EczeMate 嫩膚膏配方可恢復皮膚中的油類,亞油酸等。
- 純天然成分潤滑皮膚,恢復皮膚彈性,不含有任何污染物質,石化類物質或其他危險物質。

一位俄國的外科醫生在俄國一個不知名的小鎮外發現了這個古老的肌膚護理配方。EczeMate 嫩膚膏具有奇特效果不僅是因為擁有該民間配方,EczeMate 嫩膚膏更是選用各個指定時期收獲的天然成分,按照一定的次序和重量比例合成。EczeMate 嫩膚膏的繁瑣制造過程只為能締造如綢緞般光滑皮膚。

Beeswax (Cera flava), Lard Oil (Oleum adipis), Rose Hip Oil (Oleum Rosa moschata), and Benzyl Alcohol (preservative). 0.5 oz

產 品 容 量: 0.50 盎司(14.80公克)
參 考 重 量: 55克(g)
使 用 方 式: 在手指頭間軟化膏體,在需要的部位抹上薄薄的一層,每日兩次。

注 意 事 項: 本品非醫用品;無具醫療功效,乃日常生活保健用品。 僅限外用。如果不小心進入眼睛,請以大量清水沖洗,如需要,請就醫。使用後,如果皮膚產生紅腫等不良反應,請停止使用。

SNS-00756 頭髮/皮膚/指甲營養錠 Lustre™ Bio-Aligned Formula™ * Nutrients for Hair, Skin and Nails 90 錠


•生物完整組合配方(Bio-Aligned Formula™)
Lustre™ provides nutitional support for healthy-looking hair, skin, and nails.

Supplement Facts for Tablet
Serving Size: 2 tablet(s)
Amount %DV
Vitamin A (as beta-carotene 5,000 IU & 6,670 IU 130%
palmitate 1,670 IU)
Vitamin C (from magnesium, manganese & zinc ascorbate) 337 mg 560%
Vitamin E (as natural D-alpha tocopheryl) 66 IU 220%
Thiamin (vitamin B-1) 3 mg 220%
Riboflavin (vitamin B-2) 3 mg 190%
Niacinamide 10 mg 50%
Vitamin B-6 (as pyridoxine HCl) 6 mg 330%
Folate (folic acid) 260 mcg 60%
Vitamin B-12 (cyanocobalamin) 10 mcg 170%
Biotin 670 mcg 220%
Pantothenic Acid (as calcium D-pantothenate) 16 mg 160%
Calcium 63 mg 6%
Magnesium (as magnesium ascorbate) 22 mg 6%
Zinc (as zinc ascorbate) 8 mg 50%
Selenium (as L-selenomethionine & sodium 70 mcg 90%
Copper (as copper sebacate) 500 mcg 25%
Manganese (as manganese ascorbate) 2 mg 110%
L-Proline 200 mg †
Inositol 167 mg †
L-Cysteine (HCl) 133 mg †
L-Methionine 33 mg †
N-Acetyl Cysteine 33 mg †
PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid) 33 mg †
Choline (as choline bitartrate) 29 mg †
Silica (from horsetail silica extract) 12 mg †
Other Ingredients: stearic acid, dibasic calcium phospate, colloidal silicon dioxide, modified cellulose gum, and magnesium stearate.

Suggested Use: 2 tablets three times daily with meals, or as recommended by your health care professional.


SNS-01903 特級椰子油膠囊 Extra Virgin Coconut Oil 120 顆軟膠囊


•中鏈脂肪酸(Medium-chain fatty acids, MCFAs)
Long a dietary staple of the people of Asia, Africa, and the Pacific Islands, coconut oil has been used for both food and health care. It has been used in Ayurvedic herbalism for 4,000 years and it is a natural oil, lower in calories than most oils. Coconut oil is composed of medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), which are less likely to be stored in the body as fat than are long-chain triglycerides (LCTs). Combined with essential fatty acids, it is a perfect addition to an overall healthy lipid program. The softgels are convenient and easy to swallow. *

Supplement Facts for Softgels
Serving Size: 4 softgel(s)
Amount %DV
Calories 36
Calories from Fat 36
Total Fat 4 g 6%
Saturated Fat 3.5 g 20%
Trans Fat g †
Cholesterol g <2%
Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil 4 g †
Other Ingredients: gelatin and titanium dioxide

Suggested Use: 4 to 8 softgels daily with meals.


SNS-01908 特級椰子油 Extra Virgin Coconut Oil 16 液量盎司


•中鏈脂肪酸(Medium-chain fatty acids, MCFAs)
Long a dietary staple of the people of Asia, Africa, and the Pacific Islands, coconut oil has been used for both food and health care. It has been used in Ayurvedic herbalism for 4,000 years and it is a natural oil, lower in calories than most oils. Coconut oil is composed of medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), which are less likely to be stored in the body as fat than are long-chain triglycerides (LCTs). Combined with essential fatty acids, it is a perfect addition to an overall healthy lipid program. The softgels are convenient and easy to swallow. *

Supplement Facts for Liquid
Serving Size: 1 Tablespoon
Amount %DV
Calories 125
Calories from Fat 125
Total Fat 14 g 20%
Saturated Fat 12.5 g 60%
Trans Fat g †
Cholesterol g <2%
Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil 14 g †

Suggested Use: 1 tablespoon two to three times daily. May be used as a replacement for other types of cooking oils, or in blended drinks such as smoothies.












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