2009年8月16日 星期日

Source Naturals第十三頁 --

Source Naturals

Source Naturals成立於1982年。主要產品為維他命,草藥、氨基酸、礦物質等成分的健康成品。Source Naturals的營養補充劑產品是今天健康革命的先驅者,免疫力提昇方面的產品尤為出色;更是市場上同類產品的佼佼者。

量販批發部Source Naturals產品超低價特惠--歡迎參觀選購




SNS-01356 蘋果醋錠 Apple Cider Vinegar 500 毫克 35% Acetic Acid 180 錠


•35% 醋酸
Apple Cider Vinegar has been recognized as a versatile folk remedy used traditionally for many years. It is believed to help regulate the body's acid/alkaline balance. Recent scientific research on animals has suggested several possible mechanisms of action, including the induction of an alkaline response and cell protection in the stomach. *

Supplement Facts for 500 mg Tablet
Serving Size: 1 tablet(s)
Amount %DV
Apple Cider Vinegar 500 mg †
concentrated to 35% acetic acid
Other Ingredients: sorbitol, stearic acid, colloidal silicon dioxide, modified cellulose gum, and magnesium stearate.

Suggested Use: 1 tablet before both lunch and dinner each day. Each tablet contains the equivalent to 2 tsp. of liquid apple cider vinegar.


SNS-00912 甲殼素 Diet Chitosan™ Breakthrough Fiber 250 毫克 240 顆膠囊



甲殼素又稱殼聚糖、甲殼質或幾丁聚醣。 甲殼素是從甲殼類海產動物提煉出來的可食纖維,是除纖維素以外的又一重要多糖。甲殼素是地球上存量極為豐富的一種自然資源,也是自然界中迄今為止被發現的惟一帶正電荷的動物纖維素。甲殼素的化學結構和植物纖維素非常相似,都是六碳糖的多聚體,分子量都在100萬以上。甲殼素既然是食物纖維的一種,因而它具備食物纖維的通性,食物纖維具有保水、膨潤、擴散和抑制及很強的吸附性,加上不被消化吸收,因而有促進消化管的蠕動,增加排便容積,縮短腸內物質的通過時間,降低腹腔內壓力和腸內壓力,降低食物中有害成份的消化吸收,改善便秘,防止腸癌發生等作用。


- 減肥瘦身,改善消化功能,阻止膽固醇和脂肪的吸收,促進膽固醇的轉化。
- 增強免疫力,減少體內重金屬的積聚。
- 無毒性抗癌作用。

Chitosan, a fiber derived from chitin in shellfish, is a nondigestible aminopolysaccharide. Chitosan is produced by removing acetyl groups from chitin, through a process called deacetylation. This process enhances the activity of chitosan by improving its solubility in the acidic environment of the stomach. When taken in conjunction with the Maximum Metabolism Weight Loss Plan™, body fat may be reduced.

Supplement Facts for 250 mg picture label Capsule
Serving Size: 4 capsule(s)
Amount %DV
Calories 10
Total Carbohydrates 1 g <2%
Dietary Fiber 2 g 6%
Chitosan (minimum 90% Deacetylated Chitin) 1 g †
Other Ingredients: microcrystalline cellulose, gelatin (capsules), magnesium stearate, and colloidal silicon dioxide. Contains shellfish.

Suggested Use: 4 capsules 1/2 hour before lunch and 4 capsules 1/2 hour before dinner with 8 ounces of liquid. Drink at least 8 glasses of fluid daily. For best results, take this product in conjunction with the enclosed Maximum Metabolism Weight Loss Plan(tm) and a multiple vitamin such as Source Naturals Life Force(tm).

注意事項:本品非醫用品,無具醫療功效;乃日常生活保健食品。懷孕、準備懷孕或授乳婦女、對過敏貝類或正在使用處方藥,請先諮詢醫師再使用本產品。 脂溶性維生素(A 、E 、D, 或K)、根本脂肪酸或處方藥,需與本品隔開前後4個小時;再使用以免妨礙吸收。使用時請與大量流體一起以免引起便秘。如果小腸難受或有便秘現象產生,請停止使用。請蓋緊,保持儲放處乾、冷和黑暗

SNS-01024 甲殼素 Diet Chitosan™ Breakthrough Fiber 500 毫克 240顆膠囊



甲殼素又稱殼聚糖、甲殼質或幾丁聚醣。 甲殼素是從甲殼類海產動物提煉出來的可食纖維,是除纖維素以外的又一重要多糖。甲殼素是地球上存量極為豐富的一種自然資源,也是自然界中迄今為止被發現的惟一帶正電荷的動物纖維素。甲殼素的化學結構和植物纖維素非常相似,都是六碳糖的多聚體,分子量都在100萬以上。甲殼素既然是食物纖維的一種,因而它具備食物纖維的通性,食物纖維具有保水、膨潤、擴散和抑制及很強的吸附性,加上不被消化吸收,因而有促進消化管的蠕動,增加排便容積,縮短腸內物質的通過時間,降低腹腔內壓力和腸內壓力,降低食物中有害成份的消化吸收,改善便秘,防止腸癌發生等作用。


- 減肥瘦身,改善消化功能,阻止膽固醇和脂肪的吸收,促進膽固醇的轉化。
- 增強免疫力,減少體內重金屬的積聚。
- 無毒性抗癌作用。

Calories 5
Dietary Fiber 1 g 4%
Chitosan (minimum 90% deacetylated chitin) 1 g †
Other Ingredients: microcrystalline cellulose, gelatin (capsule), magnesium stearate, and colloidal silicon dioxide.

產 品 容 量: 240顆膠囊
參 考 重 量: 270克(g)
使 用 方 式: 每日午飯前,晚飯前三十分鍾各服用兩粒,每日至少喝8杯水。

注 意 事 項: 本品非醫用品;無具醫療功效,乃日常生活保健食品。孕婦或哺乳期婦女,對貝殼類過敏或正在服用藥物的患者,請諮詢醫師後在服用。脂溶類維生素(A、E、D、K),脂肪酸或藥物應在服用甲殼素前4個小時或後4個小時服用。服用甲殼素期間請大量飲水以避免便秘。如有腸胃不適或便秘現象請停用甲殼素。

SNS-01073 焦葡萄酸鈣(又名丙酮酸鈣) Diet Pyruvate™ Helps Support Metabolism 750 毫克 60 顆膠囊


Pyruvate plays an important role in aerobic metabolism and the energy production process. It is the link between two of the main energy generating cycles in the body, glycosis (anaerobic metabolism) and the Krebs cycle. Pyruvate is also found in small quantities in foods. Source Naturals calcium pyruvate is manufactured using a unique process that ensures the product's stability and purity. Extensive research indicates that pyruvate may play an important role in a healthy diet and exercise program.

Supplement Facts for 750 mg Capsule
Serving Size: 4 capsule(s)
Amount %DV
Calcium 450 mg 45%
Calcium Pyruvate Monohydrate 3 g †
Other Ingredients: gelatin (capsule), microcrystalline cellulose gum, and magnesium stearate.

Suggested Use: 3 to 4 capsules daily with meals. Best if taken in conjunction with the Maximum Metabolism Weight Loss Plan(TM).


SNS-01409 澱粉酵素抑制劑 Phase 2™ Carbohydrate Blocker 500 毫克 120 塊咀嚼薄餅


Source Naturals Carbohydrate Blocker 包含Phase 2™白腎豆萃取專利商標的成分,一種科學測試的植物萃取物被證明幫助減少身體中過多,無益的澱粉(碳水化合物)。Phase 2™白腎豆萃取能暫時地抑止身體去生產澱粉消化的酵素( alpha─amylase) 。由於身體中澱粉消化的酵素(alpha─amylase)的數量大量減少,身體就較不能把澱粉分解為醣; 進而無法被身體消化吸收。這種由於對卡路里的攝取減少結果導致身體體重減輕; 但是身體的體能狀況不變: 沒有產生任何的負作用和身體肌肉不會消失。

在一個30 天受控臨床設置實驗中,與未服用Phase 2™白腎豆萃取的另一對照組人做比較,服用Phase 2™白腎豆萃取的健康中度超重志願者減去了他們身體總體重的3.9%和身體脂肪量的10.5% ,但是身體中的瘦肉組織沒有因此而減少。這也就是說明了開始服用Phase 2™白腎豆萃取在30 天之內,一個91公斤體重的人能減少3.55公斤的體重! 這是不僅一個好結果;更為減肥的健康步幅。在美國賓州Scranton 大學進行在安慰劑被控制的隨機性的臨床試驗結果,超重者(期間範圍從六個星期到六個月)在飯前服用1,000毫克或1,500毫克Phase 2™白腎豆萃取(2到3膠囊)。卓越顯著地, 這些人不但沒有產生任何副作用反而因為服用了Phase 2™白腎豆萃取獲得許多好處包括在他們的胰島素抗性上的改善、降低膽固醇和甘油三酸酯的水平(triglyceride levels),減少飢餓感,和體能量有所增進。

•Phase 2™白腎豆萃取和健康血糖的關係
這些服用Phase 2™白腎豆萃取的人 在臨床研究中又獲得另外一個好處:不僅減少了澱粉卡路里的吸收,它並且降低了一般因為食用澱粉性食物後而迅速增加的血糖。這是特別有利於糖尿病患者或那些被削弱葡萄糖耐量或有syndrome x的人 。那些服用Phase 2™白腎豆萃取的人用膳後的血糖水平是另一未服用PPhase 2™白腎豆萃取對照組人的一半, 而且他們的血糖提早二十分鐘回到了用膳前水平。

•Phase 2™白腎豆萃取和健康減重的關係
為了使減重成為一個健康和長期的結果,它應該慢慢地達到,借助於身體運動和改善卡路里的質和量的組合。它的重點是要著重於脂肪的減少因為身體中的無脂肪瘦肉越多的話; 身體中被燃燒的卡路里就會越多。人们可以從Phase 2™白腎豆萃取獲得很多好處:他們從此可以享用他們喜愛的澱粉類食物而沒有吸收其中的澱粉卡路里,包括馬鈴薯、米飯、義大利麵條、比薩薄餅和麵包。一顆500毫克 的Phase 2™白腎豆萃取膠囊可以使227公克的義大利麵條中的澱粉卡路里失效(不被身體吸收)。

Supplement Facts for Wafers
Serving Size: 2 Wafer(s)
Amount %DV
Calories 20
Sodium 40 mg <2%
Total Carbohydrates 5 g <2%
Sugar 4 g †
Phase 2™ (Phaseolus vulgaris bean extract) 1 g †
Other Ingredients: fructose, natural peach and raspberry flavors, stearic acid, and magnesium stearate.

Suggested Use: Chew 2 wafers with a glass of water (8 ounces), 5-10 minutes before a meal containing starch. If Carbohydrate Blocker is taken too early, it can pass through the body before interacting with food. Do not exceed 6 wafers per day.


SNS-01560 澱粉酵素抑制劑 Phase 2™ Carbohydrate Blocker 500 毫克 60 錠


Source Naturals Carbohydrate Blocker 包含Phase 2™白腎豆萃取專利商標的成分,一種科學測試的植物萃取物被證明幫助減少身體中過多,無益的澱粉(碳水化合物)。Phase 2™白腎豆萃取能暫時地抑止身體去生產澱粉消化的酵素( alpha─amylase) 。由於身體中澱粉消化的酵素(alpha─amylase)的數量大量減少,身體就較不能把澱粉分解為醣; 進而無法被身體消化吸收。這種由於對卡路里的攝取減少結果導致身體體重減輕; 但是身體的體能狀況不變: 沒有產生任何的負作用和身體肌肉不會消失。

在一個30 天受控臨床設置實驗中,與未服用Phase 2™白腎豆萃取的另一對照組人做比較,服用Phase 2™白腎豆萃取的健康中度超重志願者減去了他們身體總體重的3.9%和身體脂肪量的10.5% ,但是身體中的瘦肉組織沒有因此而減少。這也就是說明了開始服用Phase 2™白腎豆萃取在30 天之內,一個91公斤體重的人能減少3.55公斤的體重! 這是不僅一個好結果;更為減肥的健康步幅。在美國賓州Scranton 大學進行在安慰劑被控制的隨機性的臨床試驗結果,超重者(期間範圍從六個星期到六個月)在飯前服用1,000毫克或1,500毫克Phase 2™白腎豆萃取(2到3膠囊)。卓越顯著地, 這些人不但沒有產生任何副作用反而因為服用了Phase 2™白腎豆萃取獲得許多好處包括在他們的胰島素抗性上的改善、降低膽固醇和甘油三酸酯的水平(triglyceride levels),減少飢餓感,和體能量有所增進。

•Phase 2™白腎豆萃取和健康血糖的關係
這些服用Phase 2™白腎豆萃取的人 在臨床研究中又獲得另外一個好處:不僅減少了澱粉卡路里的吸收,它並且降低了一般因為食用澱粉性食物後而迅速增加的血糖。這是特別有利於糖尿病患者或那些被削弱葡萄糖耐量或有syndrome x的人 。那些服用Phase 2™白腎豆萃取的人用膳後的血糖水平是另一未服用PPhase 2™白腎豆萃取對照組人的一半, 而且他們的血糖提早二十分鐘回到了用膳前水平。

•Phase 2™白腎豆萃取和健康減重的關係
為了使減重成為一個健康和長期的結果,它應該慢慢地達到,借助於身體運動和改善卡路里的質和量的組合。它的重點是要著重於脂肪的減少因為身體中的無脂肪瘦肉越多的話; 身體中被燃燒的卡路里就會越多。人们可以從Phase 2™白腎豆萃取獲得很多好處:他們從此可以享用他們喜愛的澱粉類食物而沒有吸收其中的澱粉卡路里,包括馬鈴薯、米飯、義大利麵條、比薩薄餅和麵包。一顆500毫克 的Phase 2™白腎豆萃取膠囊可以使227公克的義大利麵條中的澱粉卡路里失效(不被身體吸收)。

Supplement Facts for Tablet
Serving Size: 2 tablet(s)
Amount %DV
Calories 5
Sodium 40 mg <2%
Total Carbohydrates 1 g <2%
Phase 2™ (Phaseolus vulgaris bean extract) 1 g †
Other Ingredients: microcrystalline cellulose, modified cellulose gum, and stearic acid,

Suggested Use: 2 tablets with a glass of water (8 ounces), 5-10 minutes before a meal containing starch. If Carbohydrate Blocker is taken too early, it can pass through the body before interacting with food. Do not exceed 6 tablets per day.


SNS-01436 共軛亞麻油酸 Diet Tonalin® CLA 1000 Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)  1,000 毫克 May Help Reduce Body Fat 120 顆軟膠囊


Tonalin® Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) is a fatty acid derived from safflower oil. Tonalin's potential benefits are cited in U.S. Patent 5,554,646, which states that CLA plays a role in reducing body fat and increasing body protein (muscle) in animals. Clinical trials are currently being conducted to confirm its effects in humans. When taken in conjuction with the Maximum Metabolism Weight Loss Plan™, body fat may be reduced. *

Supplement Facts for Diet Tonalin CLA Softgels
Serving Size: 3 softgel(s)
Amount %DV
Calories 30
Calories from Fat 30
Total Fat 3 g 4%
Conjugated Linoleic Acid (Tonalin®) 2.22 g †
Other Ingredients: gelatin, glycerin, purified water, and natural caramel color.

Suggested Use: 3 softgels daily with meals.

注意事項:本品非醫用品,無具醫療功效;乃日常生活保健食品。懷孕、準備懷孕或授乳婦女 ,請先諮詢醫師再使用本產品。請蓋緊,保持儲放處乾、冷和黑暗

SNS-01127 專利Diet-Phen減重配方 Diet-Phen™ With St. John's Wort Nature's Diet Alternative 180 錠


The Diet-Phen Weight Loss Plan™ can boost metabolism and energy levels to help you lose weight. St. John's wort, standardized to 0.3% hypericin, can help support a positive mood. L-phenylalanine is the precursor to a neurotransmitter that helps support an alert state. *

Supplement Facts for classic label Tablet
Serving Size: 3 tablet(s)
Amount %DV
Calories 10
Sodium 10 mg <2%
Niacinamide 25 mg 130%
Vitamin B-6 (as pyridoxine HCl) 25 mg 1,250%
Calcium 131 mg 15%
Chromium (100 mcg Chromium Polynicotinate [ChromeMate®], and 100 mcg Chromium Picolinate) 200 mcg 170%
St. John's Wort Leaf & Flower Extract (Hypericum perforatum) Standardized Extract 0.3% Yielding 2.7 mg Hypericin 900 mg †
L-Phenylalanine 500 mg †
Green Tea Leaf Extract Yielding 66 mg Caffeine 132 mg †
Guarana Extract 22% Yielding 66 mg Caffeine 300 mg †
Acetyl L-Carnitine 150 mg †
Yerba Mate Extract 8% Yielding 8 mg Caffeine 100 mg †
Lipoic Acid 100 mg †
Ginger Root 50 mg †
Resveratrol (from Polygonum cuspidatum Extract) 10 mg †
Other Ingredients: dibasic calcium phosphate, stearic acid, modified cellulose gum, and colloidal silicon dioxide.

Suggested Use: 1 to 2 tablets in the morning 1/2 hour before breakfast, and one tablet 1/2 hour before lunch. Use in conjunction with the Diet-Phen Weight Loss Plan(tm).Do not take before bedtime. Do not exceed 3 tablets daily. Not intended for prolonged use or by those under medical supervision. Do not consume alcohol while using this product.

注意事項:本品非醫用品,無具醫療功效;乃日常生活保健食品。請勿使用過量。每錠包含了46毫克咖啡因,相當於半杯咖啡的量。懷孕/授乳期間或可能會懷孕婦女, 使用前請諮詢醫師。如果您有高血壓、心血管混亂疾病、心臟病, 甲狀腺機能亢進、前列腺肥大(prostatic hypertrophy)、或服抗抑鬱劑藥譬如:MAOI 的或SSRI's或其他處方藥, 使用前請諮詢醫師。如果使用期間有神經質、震顫、失眠或噁心發生,請減少劑量或停止使用。本產品含有苯丙氨酸(phenylalanine)。苯酮尿症患者(Phenylketonurics)請勿使用。年齡18歲之下請勿使用。請蓋緊,保持儲放處乾、冷和黑暗

SNS-01569  (抗壓&食慾控制) Relora® 250 毫克 90 錠


•壓力& 食慾控制
•支持健康的皮質固酮/可體松水平(Cortisol Levels)
慢性(長期)壓力是造成暴飲暴食和肥胖症(obesity)的主要原因。Source Naturals(抗壓&食慾控制)Relora®是安全的、非鎮靜作用(non-sedating)的配方能幫助緩和與精神壓力相關的症狀,譬如:緊張、易怒煩燥、集中力不集合和偶爾的失眠現象。Source Naturals (抗壓&食慾控制)Relora®的鬆緩壓力、緊張的作用能幫助控制食慾和防止因為壓力大和緊張所導致的暴飲暴食情況;因此能幫助控制不正常增重症狀。Source Naturals(抗壓&食慾控制)Relora®是完全植物萃取物的混合物,包括厚朴(Magnolia officinalis) and 黃蘗(Phellodendron amurense)。

Relora® is a patent pending plant extract of Phellodendron amurense and Magnolia officinalis that may help to relieve stress and minimize stress-induced eating. Weight gain can be associated with emotional over-eating for people with stressful lifestyles. Preliminary research suggests that Relora® may help regulate cortisol levels in the body that are associated with stress-related weight gain. The bark of Magnolia officinalis has been used in traditional Chinese Herbalism for centuries for stress reduction and muscle tension. *

Supplement Facts for 250 mg Tablet
Serving Size: 1 tablet(s)
Amount %DV
Calcium 38 mg 4%
Relora® (a proprietary blend of patented 250 mg †
extract from Magnolia officinalis and a patent-pending plant extract from Phellodendron amurense.
Other Ingredients: dibasic calcium phosphate, stearic acid, colloidal silicon dioxide, and modified cellulose gum.

Suggested Use: 1 tablet three times daily with or without meals.


SNS-01924 仙人掌汁萃取 Hoodia Liquid Extract (Hoodia Gordonii 20:1) 2 液量盎司


活性成分Hoodia Gordonii 20:1萃取
       Hoodia Gordonii,是一種類似蘆薈,又有點像仙人掌一般的肉質植物(succulent),只有在南非的喀拉哈利沙漠地區可見。喀拉哈利沙漠中的部落Bushman原住民(電影上帝也瘋狂中的原住民)在沙漠中長途狩獵時,因為沒有食物來補充體力,會食用Hoodia Gordonii的果肉,Hoodia是一種藉由讓胃部有飽足感來騙過大腦的植物,以它來增加飽足感,生津止渴。
Hoodia gordonii is a succulent plant found in the Kalahari Desert of South Africa. For over a thousand years the hoodia plant has been a nutritional secret of the San Tribesmen. This convenient liquid extract offers the concentrated power of hoodia for contemporary use of an ancient food source. *

Supplement Facts for fl. oz. Liquid
Serving Size: 2 ml (approx 1/4 teaspoon)
Amount %DV
Calories 5
Hoodia gordonii Stem Extract (1:4) 2 ml †
Other Ingredients: grain alcohol (35%), purified water, vegetable glycerin, and peppermint oil.

Suggested Use: 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon, one hour before a meal. May be taken with an 8 ounce glass of water.


SNS-01875 仙人掌萃取 Hoodia Extract (Hoodia Gordonii 20:1) 250 毫克 60 錠


活性成分Hoodia Gordonii 20:1萃取
       Hoodia Gordonii,是一種類似蘆薈,又有點像仙人掌一般的肉質植物(succulent),只有在南非的喀拉哈利沙漠地區可見。喀拉哈利沙漠中的部落Bushman原住民(電影上帝也瘋狂中的原住民)在沙漠中長途狩獵時,因為沒有食物來補充體力,會食用Hoodia Gordonii的果肉,Hoodia是一種藉由讓胃部有飽足感來騙過大腦的植物,以它來增加飽足感,生津止渴。
Hoodia gordonii is a succulent plant found in the Kalahari Desert of South Africa. The San Tribesmen of the Kalahari have been using hoodia as a food source for thousands of years.

Supplement Facts for 250 mg Tablet
Serving Size: 2 tablet(s)
Amount %DV
Calories 5
Total Carbohydrates 1 g <2%
Dietary Fiber 1 g 4%
Hoodia gordonii Stem Extract (20:1) 500 mg †
Other Ingredients: microcrystalline cellulose, sorbitol, modified cellulose gum, stearic acid, and colloidal silicon dioxide.

Suggested Use: 1 to 2 tablets one hour before a meal, with an 8 ounce glass of water.


SNS-01878 仙人掌萃取 Hoodia Extract 250 毫克 60 顆膠囊


活性成分Hoodia Gordonii 20:1萃取
       Hoodia Gordonii,是一種類似蘆薈,又有點像仙人掌一般的肉質植物(succulent),只有在南非的喀拉哈利沙漠地區可見。喀拉哈利沙漠中的部落Bushman原住民(電影上帝也瘋狂中的原住民)在沙漠中長途狩獵時,因為沒有食物來補充體力,會食用Hoodia Gordonii的果肉,Hoodia是一種藉由讓胃部有飽足感來騙過大腦的植物,以它來增加飽足感,生津止渴。
Hoodia gordonii is a succulent plant found in the Kalahari Desert of South Africa. The San Tribesmen of the Kalahari have been using hoodia as a food source for thousands of years. *

Supplement Facts for 250 mg Capsule
Serving Size: 2 capsule(s)
Amount %DV
Calcium (as dibasic calcium phosphate and naturally occurring) 182 mg 20%
Hoodia gordonii Stem Extract (20:1) 500 mg †
Other Ingredients: dibasic calcium phosphate, gelatin (capsule), and colloidal silicon dioxide.

Suggested Use: 1 to 2 capsules one hour before a meal, with an 8 ounce glass of water.


SNS-01911 仙人掌萃取複合配方 Hoodia Complex 45 錠


•含有當前世界最流行的生熱草藥(Thermogenic Herbs)--天然藥草成分提高身體核心溫度,借此提升新陳代謝速度達到燃燒脂肪/減脂的效益
•活性成分Hoodia Gordonii 20:1萃取
HOODIA COMPLEX contains the potent, highly concentrated Hoodia, plus a carefully formulated blend of thermogenic herbs to boost energy levels and support sugar metabolism. For over a thousand years the hoodia plant has been a nutritional secret of the San tribesmen of Africa. Now its power has been enhanced by this comprehensive formula. *

Supplement Facts for Tablet
Serving Size: 1 tablet(s)
Amount %DV
Sodium 75 mg <2%
Niacin 7 mg
Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine) 3 mg
Chromium (as ChromeMate®) 130 mcg
Hoodia gordonii Stem Concentrate (20:1) 250 mg †
Green Tea Extract (50% caffeine) 180 mg †
St. John's Wort Aerial Parts Standardized (0.3% hypericin) 150 mg †
Cocoa Seed Extract (10% theobromine) 133 mg †
Garcinia Fruit Extract (50% HCA) 100 mg †
Green Tea Leaf Standardized Extract (95% polyphenols, 35% EGCG) 100 mg †
Gymnema Leaf Extract (75% gymnemic acids) 44 mg †
Eleutherococcus senticosus (5:1) 20 mg †
5-HTP 18 mg †
Other Ingredients: Sorbitol, stearic acid, modified cellulose gum, and colloidal silicon dioxide.

Warning: For adult use only. Each tablet contains 135 mg of caffeine, which is approximately equal to 1 cup of coffee. If you are pregnant or may become pregnant, or are breastfeeding, diabetic or suffer from any glucose metabolism disorder, or if you are taking any prescription drug, consult your physician before using this product. It has been reported that St. John's wort can affect the absorption of certain drugs.

Suggested Use: Take one tablet 30 to 60 minutes before a meal, three times a day.


SNS-01378 超級青春寶 7-Keto DHEA Metabolite 50 毫克 60 錠



       如今,這一類的化合物之中,又多了一個新成員---「7-酮基脫氫外雄固酮」7•KETO 是DHEA 一種自然發生的衍生物, 提供DHEA的好處卻沒有DHEA所含有的副作用(7•KETO不會被轉換為具有雄性激素活性或雌性激素活性的荷爾蒙。)
  7•KETO是由亨利.拉迪(Henry A. Lardy)博士開發出來的,由於DHEA可以增強記憶力,威斯康辛大學的研究人員就針對DHEA與7•KETO進行比較,結果顯示出7•KETO可能可以治療阿茲海默氏症引起的失憶。
  另外,又發現7•KETO會增強人類淋巴球生產介白素-2 (介白素是由T細胞所分泌,用以對抗感染的一種蛋白質) ,這表示7-Keto DHEA應該可以用來治療受到HIV感染的病患。
Source Naturals的7-Keto DHEA Metabolite含有高單位的DHEA,有更強的抗氧化功效且更為安全。幫助人體脂肪代謝正常,同時提供肌肉及器官必須的營養並能增強體力、改善情緒、抵抗自體免疫疾病等等。



脫氫表雄甾酮 7-oxo DHEA acetate 50 毫克
Other Ingredients: microcrystalline cellulose, stearic acid, and magnesium stearate.

產 品 容 量: 60錠
參 考 重 量: 25克(g)
使 用 方 式: 每日1錠


SNS-00309 (抑制食慾)藤黃果萃取複方 Diet CitriMax™ 1000 毫克 90 錠


•含有鉻(as 菸鹼酸基鉻甲基 chromium polynicotinate [ChromeMate®]和毗啶甲基鉻 chromium picolinate)
CitriMax™ combines a concentrated extract of the fruit of the Garcinia cambogia tree with the trace mineral chromium. The active ingredient of this fruit, (-)hydroxycitrate (HCA), has been standardized for maximum potency. CITRIMAX utilizes both ChromeMate® and chromium picolinate for broad-spectrum chromium supplementation. HCA has been shown to curb appetite in numerous animal studies. When taken in conjunction with the Maximum Metabolism Weight Loss Plan™, body fat may be reduced. *

Supplement Facts for Tablet
Serving Size: 1 tablet(s)
Amount %DV
Sodium 45 mg <2%
Total Carbohydrates 1 g <2%
Calcium 142 mg 15%
Chromium (as chromium polynicotinate 120 mcg 100%
[ChromeMate®] & chromium picolinate)
Garcinia Berry Extract (Citrimax™) 1 g †
Yielding 500 mg of (-) Hydroxycitric Acid as Calcium Hydroxycitrate
Other Ingredients: stearic acid, modified cellulose gum, colliodal silicon dioxide, and magnesium stearate.

Suggested Use: 1 tablet 3 times daily, approximately 1 hour before meals. Do not to exceed 3 tablets per day. For best results, use in conjunction with the enclosed Maximum Metabolism Weight Loss Plan(TM).


SNS-00280 (抑制食慾)藤黃果萃取複方 Diet CitriMax™ Complex 120 錠   


•含有鉻(as 菸鹼酸基鉻甲基 chromium polynicotinate [ChromeMate®]和毗啶甲基鉻 chromium picolinate)、藤黃果萃取、L-苯丙氨酸
CitriMax™ combines a concentrated extract of the fruit of the Garcinia cambogia tree with the trace mineral chromium and the amino acid L-phenylalanine. The active ingredient of this fruit, (-)hydroxycitric acid (HCA), has been standardized for maximum potency. HCA has been shown to curb appetite in numerous animal studies. Citrimax utilizes both Chromate® and chromium picolinate for broad spectrum chromium supplementation. L-Phenylalanine is a precursor to key neurotransmitters. When taken in conjunction with the Maximum Metabolism Weight Loss Plan™, body fat may be reduced. *

Supplement Facts for Tablet
Serving Size: 2 tablet(s)
Amount %DV
Sodium 65 mg 2%
Total Carbohydrates 1 g <2%
Calcium 189 mg 20%
Chromium (as chromium 267 mcg 220%
polynicotinate [ChromeMate®] & picolinate)
Garcinia Berry Extract (CitriMax™) 1,333 mg
Yielding 667 mg of (-)Hydroxycitric
Acid as Calcium Hydroxycitrate
L-Phenylalanine 133 mg
Other Ingredients: stearic acid, modified cellulose gum, colloidal silicon dioxide, dibasic calcium phosphate and magnesium stearate.

Suggested Use: 1 to 2 tablets three times daily, approximately 1 hour before meals, not to exceed 5 tablets per day. For best results, take this product in conjunction with the enclosed Maximum Metabolism Weight Loss Plan(TM).

注意事項:本品含氨基苯基丙酸。苯酮尿症患者(phenylketonurics)、懷孕或授乳婦女、或正在使用抗抑鬱劑藥物,譬如:MAOIs 或SSRIs等,不宜使用。如果您有慢性高血壓,請餐後使用並且/或者咨詢您醫生。請蓋緊,保持儲放處乾、冷和黑暗

SNS-00554 藤黃果萃取配方 Garcinia 1000™ Garcinia cambogia Extract 90 錠


•添加鉻(as chromium polynicotinate [ChromeMate®] & picolinate)
Garcinia 1000 contains a standardized extract of the fruit from the Garcinia cambogia tree. For many centuries this fruit, also called malabar tamarind, has been used in Southern India for culinary purposes.

Supplement Facts for Tablet
Serving Size: 1 tablet(s)
Amount %DV
Sodium 25 mg <2%
Total Carbohydrates 1 g <2%
Chromium (as chromium 150 mcg 130%
polynicotinate [ChromeMate®] & picolinate)
Garcinia cambogia Berry Extract (Citrin®) 1 g †
Yielding 500 mg of Hydroxycitric acid
Other Ingredients:
stearic acid, acacia gum, modified cellulose gum, colloidal silicon dioxide and magnesium stearate.

Suggested Use: 1 tablet twice daily, approximately 1 hour before a meal. Do not exceed 2 tablets per day.




















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