2009年7月23日 星期四





建立於1980--Natrol 今天己經是全球膳食補充劑產業(dietary supplement industry)居領導地位的廠商。Natrol製造和經銷優良高品質的營養補充劑、草本茶和運動營養產品;品牌依續包括:Natrol®Laci Le Beau®Medical Research Institute(MRI)Prolab®Natrol生產銷售大約50個產品類別--共有超過500種配方品項以上的產品來符合各個不同層次範圍消費者的需要。Natrol的產品:創新配方完全以高科學技術和最新的研究支持來確保Natrol的產品能幫助顧客達到優質的健康和福利。







效果超強-- 每兩顆劑量含有1200毫克4:1濃縮的果實
巴西阿薩伊莓果是現在地球上僅存最優良和最富含營養素的果實之一:取自生長在南美亞馬遜蒼翠繁茂的巴西熱帶雨林之內的巴西阿薩伊棕櫚樹上。巴西阿薩伊莓果實( Euterpe Oleracea fruit)由於它的營養豐富被受巴西原住民極為高度推崇己經有相當的歷史;而且它的味道相當可口、更可促進健康和延續生命力。

巴西阿薩伊莓果所含有豐富的的維生素C和其他優秀的多酚來源,包括芸香素(rutin)、花青素(anthocyanins)和兒茶素(catechins)。此外,巴西阿薩伊莓果也富含天然的鞣花酸(ellagic acid) 。這些抗氧化化合物能保護我們身體細緻的組織免受自由基的攻擊--抗老化。

巴西阿薩伊莓所含有的營養素和抗氧成分能透過它對於一氧化氮(NO, Nitric Oxide)生產的調節作用來幫助支持健康免疫功能和對抗感染所產生的一連串反應。

巴西阿薩伊莓果汁除了含有強有力的抗氧化特質之外,它能調整一氧化氮(NO, Nitric Oxide)的生產和對抗壓力時健康的血管反應。這些作用都是維持健康心臟和血管作用的重要因素。

巴西阿薩伊莓果漿果中充滿了抗氧化劑和已有被使用幾千年的歷史,用來提高身體能源、體力和活力,營養包括維他命B1、維他命B2、 維他命B3、維他命E維他命C,鉀、鈣,和歐米茄脂肪酸和有價值的微量元素。

巴西阿薩伊莓果萃取(四倍)  Acai Extract 4:1(Euterpe oleracea) (berry) 1200 毫克
Other Ingredients: Cornstarch, hypromellose, silica, magnesium stearate, water.
No yeast, wheat, milk, egg, soy, glutens, artificial colors or flavors, added sugar or preservatives.
100% vegetarian

產 品 容 量: 60素食膠囊
參 考 重 量: 110(g)
使 用 方 式: 每日2顆膠囊隨餐服用


NTL-04813 巴西阿薩伊莓果膠囊 Acai 1000 毫克 - 60 Vcaps® 素食膠囊




巴西阿薩伊莓果是現在地球上僅存最優良和最富含營養素的果實之一:取自生長在南美亞馬遜蒼翠繁茂的巴西熱帶雨林之內的巴西阿薩伊棕櫚樹上。巴西阿薩伊莓果實( Euterpe Oleracea fruit)由於它的營養豐富被受巴西原住民極為高度推崇己經有相當的歷史;而且它的味道相當可口、更可促進健康和延續生命力。

巴西阿薩伊莓果所含有豐富的的維生素C和其他優秀的多酚來源,包括芸香素(rutin)、花青素(anthocyanins)和兒茶素(catechins)。此外,巴西阿薩伊莓果也富含天然的鞣花酸(ellagic acid) 。這些抗氧化化合物能保護我們身體細緻的組織免受自由基的攻擊--抗老化。

巴西阿薩伊莓所含有的營養素和抗氧成分能透過它對於一氧化氮(NO, Nitric Oxide)生產的調節作用來幫助支持健康免疫功能和對抗感染所產生的一連串反應。

巴西阿薩伊莓果除了含有強有力的抗氧化特質之外,它能調整一氧化氮(NO, Nitric Oxide)的生產和對抗壓力時健康的血管反應。這些作用都是維持健康心臟和血管作用的重要因素。

巴西阿薩伊莓果 Acai Extract (Euterpe oleracea)(fruit) 1.0 公克(1,000 毫克)
Other Ingredients:  Cornstarch, Hypromellose, Silica, Magnesium Stearate, Water.
No yeast, wheat, milk, egg, soy, glutens, artificial colors or flavors, added sugar or preservatives.
Vcaps® is a registered trademark of Capsugel.

產 品 容 量: 60素食膠囊
參 考 重 量: 80(g)
使 用 方 式: 每日2次,1顆膠囊


NTL-00908 (抗氧化/發炎/過敏)槲黃素Quercetin 250 毫克 50 顆膠囊





* Helps Support Immune System†
* With Vitamin C Bioflavonoids
Found in apples, tea, grapes and other foods, quercetin is an antioxidant which can support your immune system.† Natrol® Quercetin adds a Citrus Bioflavonoid Complex.

Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 2 Capsules
Servings Per Container: 25
Vitamin C (as Ascorbic Acid) 1,000mg 1667%
Quercetin 500mg *
Citrus Bioflavonoid Complex
100mg *
(may be derived from Lemon,
Orange,Lime, Tangerine)
* Daily Value (DV) not established.
Other Ingredients
Gelatin, Magnesium Stearate, Silica, Water.
NO Yeast, Wheat, Milk, Egg, Soy, Glutens, Artificial Colors or Flavors, Added Sugar, Starch or Preservatives.

Directions: Take 2 capsules, one time daily, with a meal.


NTL-12050 專利高效除味大蒜素 Quintessence® Pure Garlic 250 顆膠囊           





Introducing a garlic supplement unlike any other garlic you have ever taken.
Quintessence® Pure Gar® Garlic is different because it contains guaranteed standardized yield levels of garlic’s key marker compounds including-alliin, allicin, total sulfur, thiosulfinates, and gamma glutamycysteines. We call these active ingredients GarlicActives®, and they make Quintessence® Pure Gar® Garlic the “gold” standard for garlic users.

Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 2 Capsules
Servings Per Container: 125
Garlic (Allium sativum) Powdered Extract (bulb)^ 1000mg*

GarlicActive® Profile
Ingredient Per Serving
Gamma Glutamylcysteines 10,000mcg
Alliin 7,500mcg
Sulfur 8,000mcg
Thiosulfinates 2,100mcg
Allicin Yield 2,000mcg

Other IngredientsSilica, Magnesium Stearate, Gelatin.
This product is formulated to contain No Yeast, Wheat, Corn, Milk, Egg, Soy, Glutens, Sugar, Artificial Color, Added Starch or Preservatives.
^Quintessence® is a registered trademark of Natrol® Inc.
(certified logo) ^ 100% Pure Gar® is a registered trademark of Natrol® Inc.

Take 2 capsules two times daily with a meal. 


NTL-16141 S-腺苷基蛋氨酸錠 SAMe 200 毫克 20





 * Helps Promote Positive Outlook†
* Clinically Studied

Beneficial levels of SAMe (S-Adenosyl-Methionine), an amino acid naturally produced by the body, may be reduced by aging. Many studies exist regarding the use of SAMe supplementation to enhance mood and promote a positive outlook. Clinical studies also show SAMe contributes to joint health by stimulating the production of GAGs (Glycosaminoglycans), important components of connective tissue.†

Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 2 Tablets
Servings Per Container: 10
S-Adenosyl-Methionine (SAM-e) (as S-Adenosyl-Methionine Disulfate Ditosylate) 400mg*
Other Ingredients
Cellulose, Cellulose Gum, Methlacrylic Acid, Silica, Magnesium Stearate, Triethyl Citrate, Stearic Acid, Citric Acid, Ascorbic Acid, Riboflavin.
NO Yeast, Wheat, Corn, Milk, Egg, Soy, Glutens, Artificial Colors or Flavors, Added Sugar, Starch or Preservatives.

Directions: Take 2 tablets daily with a meal.

注意事項:本品非醫用品,無具醫療功效;乃日常生活保健食品。如果您有躁鬱症[雙極性(bipolar or manic-depressive,因為症狀是雙向的)]的情感疾病、懷孕或授乳婦女,請先諮詢醫師再使用本產品。請蓋緊,保持儲放處乾、冷和黑暗

NTL-04825 (抗氧化/保肝/排毒)(取自有機物聯結型態高硒酵母)強效硒 SelenoExcell® Max Immune Health 200 微克 60




 * Helps Maintain Healthy Prostate, Colon & Lung Functions†
* Promotes Healthy Immune Function†
* Supports Heart Muscle Function†
* Organically Bound Selenium Supplement
* Clinically Tested Selenium
Natrol® SelenoExcell® Max contains High Selenium Yeast, a compound containing selenomethionine and other natural forms of organically bound selenium. This form, found naturally in our foods, is better absorbed than regular/inorganically-bound selenium.

Selenomethionine has been clinically shown to promote the body’s antioxidant defense, support liver function and detoxification processes.†

Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 1 Tablet
Servings Per Container: 60
Selenium (from SelenoExcell High Selenium Yeast)
200mcg 286%
Other Ingredients
Cellulose, Dibasic Calcium Phosphate, Stearic Acid, Cellulose Gum, Magnesium Stearate, Silica.
No Wheat, Corn, Milk, Egg, Soy, Glutens, Artificial Colors or Flavors, Added Sugar, Starch or Preservatives
† †(Seleno Excell logo) SelenoExcellTM is a registered trademark of Cypress Systems, Inc.

Directions: Take 1 tablet, one time daily, with a meal.


NTL-00963 (控制情緒/食慾/提升睡眠品質)5-羥色氨酸 Serotain 60 顆膠囊




Helps Control Appetite
•Promotes Balanced Serotonin Levels
The mood-enhancing ingredients in SEROTAIN by Benchmark Botanicals help naturally increase your brain’s production of serotonin, the chemical involved with keeping you steady and calm.†
       Dieting is hard enough without being a nervous wreck. SEROTAIN Supports your weight-loss program by enhancing your mood in a natural way.†

Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 1 Capsule
Servings Per Container: 60
Griffonia simplicifolia Extract (seed) 100mg
5-HTP       (5-Hydroxytryptophan)    18mg
Other Ingredients
Rice Powder, Gelatin, Magnesium Stearate.
NO Yeast, Wheat, Corn, Milk, Egg, Soy, Glutens, Artificial Colors or Flavors, Added Sugar, Starch or Preservatives.
†† Both SerotainTM and Benchmark Botanicals® are trademarks of Triarco Industries. Use of SEROTAINTM Product is protected by US Trademark Serial No. 75/865,727.

Directions: Take 1 capsule once or twice daily with a meal.


NTL-00502 (抗氧化/提升睡眠品質)安眠復甦錠 Sleep'n Restore® 20





Promotes Normal Sleep Patterns with Melatonin and Valerian†
•Wake Up Refreshed with Powerful Antioxidants†
•Valerian promotes a natural quality of sleep
•Studies show that Vitamin E protects our bodies from oxidative damage induced by our daily activities.
This comprehensive nighttime formula helps promote a more restful, deeper sleep while supporting your body’s natural restoration processes. The combination of Melatonin and Valerian helps promote normal sleep patterns, while our powerful antioxidant formula provides your resting body with the fighting power it needs to restore and protect its cells from damage developed due to poor diets and busy lifestyles.†
       This formula takes advantage of the natural restorative events that occur while we sleep such as free radical removal and increases in growth hormones. Sleep ‘N Restore® will help maintain your youthful body and energy. You won’t have that groggy feeling the next morning. With Sleep ‘N Restore® you wake up refreshed and ready to tackle the day.†

Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 1 Tablet
Servings Per Container: 20
Vitamin E (as d-Alpha Tocopheryl Succinate) 30IU 100%
Calcium (as Calcium Carbonate) 72mg 7%
Melatonin 3mg *
Valerian Root 5:1 Extract 100mg *
Glutamine 800mg *
Grape Seed Extract 25mg *
Other Ingredients
Cellulose, Stearic Acid, Silica, Cellulose Gum, Magnesium Stearate, Methylcellulose, Glycerine.

Directions: Take 1 tablet before bedtime.

注意事項:本品非醫用品,無具醫療功效;乃日常生活保健食品。如果您正在醫療監督期間或使用任何鎮靜劑或鎮靜劑(如:tranquilizerssedatives),使用前請諮詢醫師。如果您有自體免疫性狀況(autoimmune condition)或憂鬱症(depressive disorder)或懷孕或哺乳婦女,使用前請先諮詢您的醫生。未滿12歲兒童,請勿使用。使用期間,請勿操作機械工具或駕駛車輛。請蓋緊,保持儲放處乾、冷和黑暗

NTL-04694 (減重管理)瘦纖體得 Slenderite for Weight Loss Support 60




May Help Increase Metabolism†
•Help Improve Mood†
•Helps Metabolize Fats & Protein for Energy†
•Helps Neutralize Carbs with (Phase 2 logo)†
Lose Weight, Feel Great!‡
Slenderite is a powerful blend of 5 key ingredients: Phase 2 Starch Neutralizer, Green Tea Extract, EGCG, 5-HTP and Caffeine.
Learn more about this exciting product at www.Slenderite.com.
Visit the website and download a free meal and exercise plan to complement your weight loss program.
‡This product is to be used in conjunction with a healthy reduced calories and exercise program.

Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 2 Tablets
Servings Per Container: 30
Calories 5
Total Carbohydrate 1g <1%*
Chromium (from Chromax® Chromium Picolinate) 100mcg 83%
Sodium 15mg 1%
Phase 2 Starch Neutralizer® White Kidney Bean Extract (Phaseolus vugaris) 750mg
Green Tea Extract (Camellia sinensis) (leaf) 270mg
EGCG (Epigallocatechin Gallate)  135mg
5-HTP (5-Hydroxytryptophan) 75mg
Caffeine 75mg
Other Ingredients
Cellulose, Cornstarch, Acacia, Silica, Stearic Acid, Cellulose Gum, Magnesium Stearate, Methylcellulose, Glycerin.
NO Yeast, Wheat, Milk, Egg, Soy, Glutens, Artificial Colors or Flavors, Added Sugar, Starch or Preservatives.
Other Information

†† Chormax® and Chromax logo are registered trademarks of Nutrition 21, Inc., US Patent Nos. 5,087,623; 5,087,624; 5,175,156.

(Phase 2 logo) The trademark Phase 2 Starch Neutralizer® is being used under license.

Directions: Take 2 tablets, two times daily, with a meal.


NTL-00925 (荷爾蒙平衡/骨骼健康)大豆異黃酮 Soy Isoflavones Women's Health 60 顆膠囊




For Menopause Relief
•Helps Naturally Relieve Hot Flashes & Night Sweats
Natrol® Soy Isoflavones provides menopause relief by naturally relieving hot flashes & night sweats. The amount of soy isoflavones necessary to achieve health benefits can be difficult to incorporate into today’s diet. Because of this, Natrol offers the proper supplementation you need to help maintain your well being throughout the various stages of life. Natrol Soy Isoflavones is made from non-GMO soy.†

Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 5 Capsules
Total Isoflavones (from Soy Extract) 50 mg*
Genistin & Genistein 20 mg*
Daidzin & Daidzein 17.5 mg*
Glycitin & Glycitein 6.25 mg*
Other Isoflavones 6.25 mg*
Other Ingredients
Rice Flour, Gelatin, Water, Magnesium Stearate.
NO Yeast, Wheat, Corn, Milk, Egg, Glutens, Artificial Colors or Flavors, Added Sugar or Preservatives
Other Information

Directions: Take 5 capsules, one time daily, with a meal.


NTL-16230 (改善情緒/身心放鬆)茶氨酸 Theanine Mood Enhancer 60





May Promote Relaxation Without Drowsiness
Natrol®Theanine is designed to support calmness and relaxation without drowsiness. Our Theanine is extracted from green tea leaves.

Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 2 Tablets
L-Theanine†† 150mg*
Other Ingredients
Cellulose, Stearic Acid, Silica, Cellulose Gum, Magnesium Stearate, Methylcellulose, Glycerine.
NO Yeast, Wheat, Corn, Milk, Egg, Soy, Glutens, Artificial Colors or Flavors, Added Sugar, Starch or Preservatives
††Suntheanine® is a registered trademark of Talyo International, Inc.

Directions: Take 2 tablets daily or every 8 hours as needed.


NTL-00237 (抗壓/一般保健)(添加多種草本植物)維他命BB-100 Complex 100




 •Daily Value of B-Vitamins
•With UltraGreen Proprietary Blend
Feeling a little run down? B vitamins have been shown to be a great source of energy. Natrol B-100 Complex contains a blend of B1, B2, B6, B12, Niacin , Biotin and Folic Acid. This special formulation helps to provide stress support.

Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 1 Tablet
Thiamin (Vitamin B-1) (as Thiamine HCI) 100 mg 6667 %
Riboflavin (Vitamin B-2) 100 mg 5882 %
Niacin (as Niacinmide) 100 mg 500 %
Vitamin B-6 (as Pyridoxine HCI) 100 mg 5000 %
Folic Acid 400 mcg 100 %
Vitamin B-12 (as Cyanocobalamin) 100 mcg 1667 %
Biotin 100 mcg 33 %
Pantothenic Acid (as d-calcium Pantothenate) 100 mg 1000 %
Calcium (as Calcium carbonate) 17 mg 2 %
Choline (as Choline Bitartate) 100 mg *
Inositol 100 mg *
PABA (as p-Amino Benzoic Acid) 100 mg *
UltraGreen Blend Alfalfa Juice (leaf), Barley Grass, Spirulina, Parsley (leaf), Spinach (leaf), Peppermint (leaf), Spearmint (leaf) 150 mg *
Other Ingredients
Cellulose, Silica, Cellulose Gum, Stearic Acid, Magnesium Stearate, Methylcellulose, Glycerine.
No yeast, wheat, corn, milk, egg, soy, glutens, artificial colors or flavors, added sugar, starch or preservatives.

Directions: Take 1 tablet daily with a meal.


NTL-04612 維他命E噴劑 Vitamin E Oil Body Spray 12,000IU 2 液體盎司 (59 毫升)




Vitamin E has long been used in cosmetic applications to help the skin. The skin is very susceptible to oxidation from various sources.
       Oxidation of the skin causes it to appear dull. Vitamin E improves the appearance of the skin by adding color and luster to the skin.
       Natrol is committed to bringing quality supplements and products that help nourish the potential of your mind and body. Your body wants to be healthy. So, Natrol helps you give your body what it wants.

Other Ingredients
Isopropyl Palmitate, Tocopheryl Acetate (Vitamin E), C12-15 Alkyl Benzoate, Sesamum Indicum (Sesame) Seed Oil, Vitis Vinifera (Grape) Seed Oil.
NO Yeast, Wheat, Corn, Milk, Egg, Glutens, Artificial Colors or Flavors, Added Sugar, Starch or Preservatives.

Directions: Spray on desired skin area and rub in lightly.


NTL-00935 (幫助排尿/消水腫)草本去水腫配方Water Pill 60




Helps With Weight Management†
•Temporary Relief of Occasional Bloating†
•100% Vegetarian
Natrol® Water Pill is an all-natural herbal nutrient blend to help promote a balanced level of fluids in the body, along with a healthy diet and exercise program. This can help you feel your best…naturally. High potency Vitamin B6 helps replenish the normal loss of this water-soluble vitamin when fluids are expelled from the body. It’s About Balance.†

Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 2 Tablets
Vitamin B-6 (as Pyridoxine HCI) 150mg 7500%
Calcium (as Calcium Carbonate) 260mg 26%
Potassium (as Potassium Gluconate) 99mg 3%
Buchu Extract 100mg *
Parsley Extract (leaf) 100mg *
Uva Ursi Extract (leaf) 100mg *
Juniper Extract (berry) 100mg *
Other Ingredients
Stearic Acid, Cellulose Gum, Silica, Cellulose, Magnesium Stearate, Methylcellulose, Glycerine.
NO Yeast, Wheat, Corn, Milk, Egg, Glutens, Artificial Colors or Flavors, Added Sugar, Starch or Preservatives.

Directions: Adults 18 years and older, take 2 tablets daily with a meal or juice.


NTL-02276 (改善陽萎/增加性快感/性能力)草本育亨賓樹皮 Yohimbe Bark 500 毫克 90 顆膠囊





Used to Support Male Potency†
•Whole Herb Powder
Yohimbe has been used traditionally for many years to help support male potency.

Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 1 Capsule
Servings Per Container: 90
Yohimbe (bark)     500mg*
Other Ingredients
Gelatin, Magnesium Stearate
NO Yeast, Wheat, Corn, Milk, Egg, Soy, Glutens, Artificial Colors or Flavors, Added Sugar, Starch or Preservatives.

Directions: Take 1 Capsule up to three times daily with meals

注意事項:本品非醫用品,無具醫療功效;乃日常生活保健食品。請勿使用此產品 -- 如果您曾經有得過:肝臟疾病、腎臟疾病、低血壓、心臟病、糖尿病,或前列腺的慢性炎症。如果您正在服用MAO抑制劑(MAO inhibitor),請勿使用此產品。請勿使用超過建議劑量。此產品是不建議長期使用。如果使用後,有頭暈、震顫、緊張、心悸、或經常性的頭痛或失眠的發生;請停止使用,並徵詢您的醫護專業人員。18歲以下,請勿使用。如果您生病/疑似生病、正在使用處方藥、懷孕或授乳婦女,請先諮詢醫師再使用本產品。請蓋緊,保持儲放處乾、冷和黑暗





















